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Idaho ending OTC?

Good. Pretty much every state around us is going that way. Not to mention we pretty much already do it with random number selection on tag sale days.
damn this is scary. Obviously good for Idaho residents but the OTC system is something I appreciate very much as a NR western hunter.
damn this is scary. Obviously good for Idaho residents but the OTC system is something I appreciate very much as a NR western hunter.
I actually understand this perspective. There are so many, many hunts I would love to experience that are in states I am not a resident of. Sadly, we are catching up with the rest of the country and having to DRAW for tags instead of inviting you to enjoy what little Idaho has to offer. It seams unfair at first but if we get ahead of a problem now, (not the Idaho way. I live here. We just figured out the Bible isn't 100% historically accurate.), then we can evenly allow those experiences across the board of people wanting such things. Put nonresidents in a TRUELY random draw with 5% points. Nobody will count points. But manage to not draw an elk tag with 1 in 10 odds after 30 years, here is your point tag.

I WANT you to enjoy Idaho a few times. I really do. I want you to see Bull elk on a mountain side while fishing for Chinook. I want you to trap otter and drop some ducks in a weekend. Go back home and want to love every minute here. Due to the overwhelming demand and the visible ability of those with cash to get in front of the line (negotiable outfitter tags.) I would just rather give you and equal chance and put all of you in a draw. A truly equal draw. One that after 20 years you can look back and say tags were dispersed as equally as possible. Not a Random or Points draw. One that over the years takes care of statistical outliers while being ACTUALLY random. An Idea that blows heads up but is the right thing to do.
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