Steve B
New member
Well just got back from Idaho, and sorry to say no one got any elk. There were four of us in the group. Unit 21 on top of long tom ridge. Well I ran into 2 spikes the first day but could not get close enough to get a shot. My buddie Alex on the second day had a shot at a very large 6x7(which was the biggest bull he said he ever saw, He is 54 years old and has been hunting Elk here in Arizona for over 30 years.) I however saw nothing after the first day but could here them bugling every where. I think I will be returning next year to this same spot, From what my buddies tell me these Elk are very fat and healthy, with no hunters in the area but us. Although we had a Guy from Boise stop at our camp asking questins, He said he was in the area because he was tryin to avoid the plauge of Quads in his normal area that he has hunted. All in all it was a pleasent trip, Idaho is a beautiful state, o We saw 6 big horns feeding on the side of the road on the way out, Spring creek road about a half mile up. Got photos of them if yall would like to see.