Caribou Gear

Idaho deer - First time for everything

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
The truck and trailer are loaded; spent most the morning at the range to make sure the Howas are still hitting where I aim; and most the day repacking and cleaning gear. I drew an Idaho controlled deer tag this year after giving up on moose and sheep apps for the last dozen years. Leaving bright and early in the morn.

Not sure what to expect. Talked to many IDG&F personnel. They all asked why I picked that unit. Why? Because it has a lot of public land and really good draw odds. I don't need Kong. Those are saved for O-Town and the rest of your Idaho deerslayers.

Any 3.5 year old buck might be in trouble. 1.5 year old, if I get hungry. Need some camp meat for the two elk hunts that follow back to back after this one. Bringing some antelope steaks, just in case I don't score on a deer. Goal is to have fun, share a great camp, and get a good episode of what it is like to hunt the BLM of Idaho.

Season has been open since the 5th. Cameras and Mrs. Fin's schedule didn't allow for me to get there until now. Will be joined by NVLongbow, Jereep, and any other Hunt Talkers who decide to drop by. Not sure if we will have a Moosie sighting. Hope so, but given the hunt is during the weekdays and he has a large troop of kids at home, I am not sure how he would swing that one.

Any Idaho guys who want to help look for deer in an area where I have been told to not have high expectations, send a PM. I will tell you where we are camped, once we get camped somewhere out there. Will be somewhere south of Twin Falls, just not sure where yet. Just don't be disappointed with Fin - as picky as I am with antelope, I am almost the opposite with deer. Someone better hold my bullets or we might be eating forkie backstraps the first day.

Excited to see new country and hunt in a state where I have never big game hunted. And, share camp with some great guys.

Only have five days to get it done, but given my normal trigger itch while deer hunting, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Should have the remote communications system up and running, thanks to Brunton and Verizon, so hope to provide updates when worthy.
If life hadn't gotten so busy for me in the last couple days I would gladly make the drive over for a day or two. Good luck it has been a tough year for deer on the eastern side of the state anyways.
I saw the truck getting loaded this afternoon. I'll admit I just about tried to sneak in the back of the truck topper for a ride to Idaho. I have no doubt you'll find a deer. You have great long time friends along which is always fun. Good luck.
Good luck and hope you find a nice Idaho buck. Maybe a wolf too. Wish I had time to come help,.
Good luck Fin. Hope you get some meat. lol Bring it to Co.:D We may get hungry down there.:D I don't think that will be the case though as ole man, Henry is packed and I think he bought the grocery store. :hump:

Is your brother joining you in Co ? We'll be just N of you a little bit. Were camping S. SE. of where I told you.
Thanks. If you would finally draw that ID sheep tag, we could film our first ID bighorn hunt. Enough waiting, you need to draw that next year before I get too old to tag along.

I hope I live long enough to draw that tag! Rest assured that I will crawl if I am unable to walk by then. The bright side is that I will finally be in the correct stance for using a bi- pod.
Big Fin, I'll take some time off this week. As long as you don't mind someone doing handstands in camp ;) Hit me up your location and I'll head that way. You're only 3.5 hours from me. Sorry, I've been busy at work. One more day tomorrow to polish off a project (Fingers crossed) and I'll get a few days off.

I might as well watch you kill something, I haven't had any luck :(

Send PM with camp Coordinates.
Damn! Wish I hadn't burned all my time off now. Brother and I would have loaded up the kitchen and rolled.
This is what we put together for steak night in camp weekend before last.

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