Yeti GOBOX Collection

Idaho Control of Federal Lands


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2010
East Idaho

Fortunately our legislature has been pretty quiet on sportsmans' issues this session, but our esteemed Governor is back in DC making the case that the Idaho State Government can do a better job managing Federal lands than the US Government can.

I'm a little skeptical about that considering our state government can barely take care of the obligations it already has.
I would love to see the logging industry make a come back in those small northern Idaho towns.
With that said I don't know if this is good or bad.
I think it's a terrible idea personally, thanks Utah for giving our guys the idea. Why do so many bad ideas come from that state? This is one movement I really hope goes away quickly.

Elkmagnet, there are piles of wood being cut in the north idaho right now, it's just mainly coming from state and private sections. It's pretty bad when the loggers themselves are saying they "nuked" an area.
And after you *nuke* an area what happens? You end up with hillsides of brush that chokes out forage.
A lot of elk hunting in 32A went to H because of that. Brush is probably 12ft high now. Time to move on and hope somebody at BNFS has the guts to do a flash burn every now and then. H! new trees can't even grow in that kind of stuff and never will in my lifetime.
I think it's a terrible idea personally, thanks Utah for giving our guys the idea. Why do so many bad ideas come from that state? This is one movement I really hope goes away quickly.
Has Utah been successful in their endeavor?
Having grown up in the logging industry in central Idaho. I'd have to say I easily support the logging industry, and would love to see a comeback. It provides a lot of employment for the people in those small towns. They for sure need a better plan though of what to do with those areas after they get done to prevent what idnative is saying, whatever the best solution is for that I don't know as it isn't my expertise. Burning is a good solution, as is letting fires run their natural course most times instead of trying to prevent them all the time when they don't pose harm to people or structures.