Yeti GOBOX Collection

Idaho black bear units 62 & 62a

Panther martin's are your best choice for trout ! Black with gold blade and yellow with silver blade. Shop at walmart !!
You should have a great time anyway you look at it ! Just be smart and ready for bear encounter's !!

I’m shot my bear is 61 spot and stalk with my bow about 8 years ago. Biggest thing to watch out for when hunting Island Park is grizzlies. I’m sure it’s a lot worse now. When I hunted I saw two black bears and 3 abrupt grizzlies and one of them had twins. I tried hunting over bait earlier in the season in 60 but all black bears would leave the area once a grizzly hit the bait. One sow had 4 cubs on my trail camera. But besides the grizzlies, it’s an awesome area. Get up high and glass the Avalanche chutes. The bears like to hang out in the trees then enter the chutes to eat. Look for black spots in the green hillside. It’s a lot more difficult then it sounds because every bush, tree, log, and rock has a black shadow that you will think is a bear. Remember to just enjoy the the experience. Those mountains are amazing in the spring. Also be prepared to see large birds of elk migrating back up the mountain.

I also need to add that I wasn’t able to access the higher areas until June. So you may want to push the trip back.

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