Red Fox
Well-known member
Looks like Idaho is changing the freedom of information so they will not tell people where to find animals to hunt. I think this is a good thing as is will start to effect on what animals get collared.
(8) Records identifying telemetry frequencies, remote camera lo41 cations, or precise or specific locations of any individual terrestrial42 wildlife, including but not limited to global positioning system, teleme-21 try, or remote camera data. A state agency's sharing of such records on an2 individual case basis for agency or regulatory environmental reviews or3 management of wildlife damage or populations does not constitute a waiver of4 this exemption. This exemption does not apply to records identifying aggre5 gated or otherwise generalized locations of individual terrestrial wildlife6 or populations.
(8) Records identifying telemetry frequencies, remote camera lo41 cations, or precise or specific locations of any individual terrestrial42 wildlife, including but not limited to global positioning system, teleme-21 try, or remote camera data. A state agency's sharing of such records on an2 individual case basis for agency or regulatory environmental reviews or3 management of wildlife damage or populations does not constitute a waiver of4 this exemption. This exemption does not apply to records identifying aggre5 gated or otherwise generalized locations of individual terrestrial wildlife6 or populations.