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Idaho Bighorn Sheep Pictures

T Bone

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say he might score slightly higher than what I originally said, but not much. Low low 160's top. I just can't see near 170. Won't be the first time I am wrong if he is, but what I notice is he loses his mass really quick 3/4 the way through. Paul, set us straight. Educate me!!!

You are good! 35" and 158 net. Smaller base is only 14". Still my best trophy and hunt hands down.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-07-2003 17:26: Message edited by: Paul C ]</font>

Your right, absoulutely wonderful trophy! I am envious. I've been racking up on my Wyoming preference points and I'll put in for a Idaho bighorn tag this year, but I've never been one to have luck with permits. Well, I guess I can't say that, I did draw a brown bear tag for an island just off of Kodiak this year, but the move to Idaho stiffed me on that. Again congratulations on a magnificent critter.

I eat my words. mmmm. tasty. I am a junior novice at judging sheep.

Even though I dream of a 180 class bighorn, I wouldn't hestitate for a second on a ram like that.

T Bone

Looking at a flat object such as a picture makes it all the more harder. Judging trophy pictures is good practice so that one day when smucks like us draw a tag, we know what we are looking at.
That's a great Idaho ram! What did he score? What unit did you take him in?

A good friend of mine filled his tag after 22 days in the field. Wide rack but only a 3/4 curl.

If fact, he called yesterday and the head is back from the taxidermist. Can't wait to see it.

Your's will look nice on the wall!
