I went up to Idaho from Utah. After 3 days and hiking 30 miles, I called this guy in while hunting a closed road. He rounded the bend 20 yards away about 10 minutes after I stopped calling. He never saw me. One shot from my .338 federal with 210 gr partition handloads and he growled and ran across the road and fell on his back and bellowed. I had given up hope of seeing a bear and he just showed up out of the blue. It happened so fast I couldn’t believe it. I started trying to call bears after reading Doug Boze’s book, “no bait, no dogs, just bears” and “the ultimate guide to black bear hunting”. He gives so much more information on bear sign than any other book I’ve read. I’d been trying to get a bear in Utah for years but we just don’t have the numbers down here. It was a much bigger bear than I expected to get and boar to boot.