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Idaho 2024- start %itching now

I really don't understand the hate, I personally wish all the western states were so easy, log in, look at your number, you essentially know if you have a tag by noon at the latest, on December first no less, no forking over money for a license to apply, no waiting 4 months to find out if you drew or to get a refund, if you want to improve your odds you can drive/fly and try in person...
I remember fondly when non residents didn’t want to hunt Idaho because of the wolf problem and Idaho being an opportunity state versus trophy.

A change in the non-resident licensing process and a little stimulus money has non-residents fighting for tags in bad units.
I remember fondly when non residents didn’t want to hunt Idaho because of the wolf problem and Idaho being an opportunity state versus trophy.

A change in the non-resident licensing process and a little stimulus money has non-residents fighting for tags in bad units.
To be honest, a lot of people just set the number they need to be below before they cut the connection and move on with life. Maybe it is a different # for everyone, but I'm curious as to what peoples' numbers are. For me, anything under 3k (ok probably 5k) and I definitely stay, over 10k and I hang up. The worst number in the world is like 7k.
To be honest, a lot of people just set the number they need to be below before they cut the connection and move on with life. Maybe it is a different # for everyone, but I'm curious as to what peoples' numbers are. For me, anything under 3k (ok probably 5k) and I definitely stay, over 10k and I hang up. The worst number in the world is like 7k.
The appropriate number for stay/give up depends on what tag you want and the demand. My number is a LOT lower than yours as your 3k number for sure would leave me tagless and looking for a tent to shank in frustration if I actually sat on that number for hours thinking it had a chance.
I just don’t see the draw to this. I’ve done it once and did get a tag only to return it later. Rush to get a tag that any resident can get. If any of the units were truly worth the hassle it would be swamped with residents.

Feel this is more of a I want it because there is the perception of it being more than what it really is.
I just don’t see the draw to this. I’ve done it once and did get a tag only to return it later. Rush to get a tag that any resident can get. If any of the units were truly worth the hassle it would be swamped with residents.

Feel this is more of a I want it because there is the perception of it being more than what it really is.
I did the same thing. Sat on a ID mule deer tag for months only to return it because I drew for one in WY. I think it’s good insurance to have just in case you don’t draw for anything.
At least one Commissioner has an idea to help resolve the congestion...significantly raise NR tag prices.
There’s definitely a valid argument to that approach from the current demand.

It wasn’t that long ago when IDFG was selling NR tags at a 50% discount in September to residents trying to reach 100% sold.

Thanks on-X for the demand…
I did the same thing. Sat on a ID mule deer tag for months only to return it because I drew for one in WY. I think it’s good insurance to have just in case you don’t draw for anything.
If I could get one with my hunting partner I would do it. But seeing that is almost not possible with the system, to heck with it.
I really don't understand the hate, I personally wish all the western states were so easy, log in, look at your number, you essentially know if you have a tag by noon at the latest, on December first no less, no forking over money for a license to apply, no waiting 4 months to find out if you drew or to get a refund, if you want to improve your odds you can drive/fly and try in person...
I agree with all of this (that's why I do it every year), except for notion that frustration (a more accurate word than "hate") isn't a valid and deserved response to something that could be fixed with a competent vendor. IF the tech ran smoothly and you could hunt with a friend, I don't think there would be any complaints. It is the best deal in town for all the reasons you mentioned. ... I guess it's the tag gods reinforcing the idiom that you can't have it all.
I agree with all of this (that's why I do it every year), except for notion that frustration (a more accurate word than "hate") isn't a valid and deserved response to something that could be fixed with a competent vendor. IF the tech ran smoothly and you could hunt with a friend, I don't think there would be any complaints. It is the best deal in town for all the reasons you mentioned. ... I guess it's the tag gods reinforcing the idiom that you can't have it all.
I actually like the lack of a group option as well, if you are selling it as random then it should be random on an individual level.
I bet the number of people who bail on purchasing a license because their buddy is too far back in line is huge, it would be a way bigger cluster if groups were allowed.

I've admittedly never had a tech problem, I'd suspect a fair amount of those come from mobile devices and unreliable internet connections instead of from the vendor end but I have no idea how you would verify that...
The 65k people logging in Dec 1 is 100% coming from NR. We are talking congestion/problems with Dec 1 tag sale. Not congestion in the 'woods' during hunting season.
Sure, but raising the tag fee doesn’t fix that. And like I said, the congestion is self created due to the way it is set up. People are getting in the queue just to see where their lottery number is. Then they guess whether it is too high and move on. The delay comes because when numbers for ALL the people who dropped out come up on the screen and it takes 20min to time out before opening up the slot for the next number.

If you are saying up the fee to decrease demand for the tag, be real careful. I’m sure there is a $ point to do just that but that is about 12,000tags x $700, not including all the other fees just to participate.
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