IDAHO 2024-2030 Draft Elk Management Plan comment period.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
Snorth Idaho
Around December first every year it seems like every HTer has something to say about IDFG. Here is your chance to make an actual impact.
Before you read the plan and comment on it, I recommend you listen to Randy's podcast with Ian Wargo. Then read the draft and comment.
Idaho elk management suffers from many of the issues Randy and Ian talked about. In particular declining numbers and habitat degradation.
They even talk about woofs for those of you who think wolves are the cause of all evil.

If you are a non-resident, I would emphasize that your out of state dollars make it important for Idaho to maintain or grow healthy elk populations. Make your voice as loud as the OHV lobby, the mountain bikers, the grain farmers, etc.

If you an apple person, here is the link to the podcast:

The 2024-2030 Draft Idaho Elk Management Plan:

Comments page:
Great read and lots of useable information. Overall, Idaho elk herds are doing well.
I briefly skimmed it yesterday afternoon. Seems like themes of habitat degradation, changing winter range conditions, subdivisions, recreation are all huge factors moving forward. Not really surprising, but I thought I left Colorado...?!
Got mine in. I suggested in the few areas above objective if they start adding hunts to do lesser weapon hunts. Short range, muzzleloader, or in my area a traditional archery season before before increasing rifle tags. Rifle success odds are pretty high. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather see a decade of muzzleloader hunts or archery hunts the first of October than slightly less terrible controlled rifle odds for a few years.
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