Caribou Gear

I upset a feminist

I dont. I have a difficult time placing a gender on inanimate objects.

I have this theory that the reason English-speaking peoples (Brits, Merkans) have been de facto rulers of the world for the past few hundred years is because our language does not have gender on everything. People that speak these other languages have to always keep gender in mind when conjugating and forming sentences, gender that is often applied for no good reason (a pencil is masculine but a notebook is feminine - WTF?). Sure, as these other peoples - furiners, lets call them - grow up, they learn what things are feminine and masculine and it becomes a matter of memorization, but those microseconds of effort spent recalling whether or not to use masculine or feminine pronouns and conjugations, etc. add up. All that extra effort but forth on word gender by these furiners could have instead been put into becoming better at the colonization, exploitation, and subjugation - just plain winning, really - that we English-speaking people have mastered. I cant prove this theory, but I feel its accurate.

So, having said that, I feel that were I to start referring to vehicles in the feminine (or masculine, for that matter) then I am no better than some beret-wearing Parisian sitting at cafe muttering about stupid Americans while nibbling a croissant. I envy him his croissant (best pastry, hands down), but not his gender-based language.
Your post BirdManMike brought a smug smile to my face. I spend some time occasionally in Germany and fight correct Deutsche, all because of the der, die, das that is compelled by the male, female or neuter designation of all nouns. Why it was ever thought that it was of importance to signify a noun in a gender manner is beyond me. This of course is off topic, I just had to vent on the ‘goofiness’ of it I guess, thanks for the chance !
I thought some of you fellows, especially you older fellows, might get a chuckle from this

Yesterday, two young women got very upset at me. One got within 1 foot of my face and was speaking very loudly

I was having coffee with two other old ( ancient ) women and a young fellow pulled up in a very nice 65 Mustang. I said as he walked by, "she is a beauty" He said thank you but behind us a couple of young women told me. "Do not refer to cars as SHE, as it infers that women are objects of beauty and can be owned by men.

I told her all the women I knew, as far back as my grandmother in the 1940's never felt owned and none of the men that were married to them treated them like they owned them.

She didn't expect me to contradict her and she got visibly upset, stood up and walked over to me and said " what car do you invasion as a he ?" I told her I always though of a man when I saw the 1951 Studebacker Manta Ray. She immediately was on her phone looking it up and then said in a very sarcastic manner "cute, real cute " and they left.;)

Do any of you guys still use the word "she" when referring to a car, boat, even a gun or am I officially a dinosaur ?
You are a lot nicer than I am.... I would have told her I wasn't talking to her.
I dont. I have a difficult time placing a gender on inanimate objects.
So, having said that, I feel that were I to start referring to vehicles in the feminine (or masculine, for that matter) then I am no better than some beret-wearing Parisian sitting at cafe muttering about stupid Americans while nibbling a croissant. I envy him his croissant (best pastry, hands down), but not his gender-based language.
Your post BirdManMike brought a smug smile to my face. I spend some time occasionally in Germany and fight correct Deutsche, all because of the der, die, das that is compelled by the male, female or neuter designation of all nouns. Why it was ever thought that it was of importance to signify a noun in a gender manner is beyond me. This of course is off topic, I just had to vent on the ‘goofiness’ of it I guess, thanks for the chance !

Since this thread has been brought back to life, I will respond to the two above gentlemen, since we PREFER to speak French and Inuktitut instead of English.

I am sure the feminist April encountered and you two gentlemen would not appreciate the word "leami" ( short, fat, female ) or even "njirru" ( an unmanageable female ). We use those words for dogs, wildlife, women and some men, so I am definitely no better than the frenchman enjoying his croissant. ;)

This is why I speak paving operator profanity so fluently.
plus one, only substitute "musher", "trapper", "hunter", "surveyor", "wife" in place of paving contractor. ( somebody posted a video showing a wife with a nail in her forehead wanting some understanding--loved it ! As did my husband.:)

Seriously, I can not imagine having so much free time on my hands that I would be upset if someone looked at something I owned and said "(she or he ) is a beauty. Unless it is one of my dogs. I might correct him if he called one of my "bitches" a boy ;)
I thought some of you fellows, especially you older fellows, might get a chuckle from this

Yesterday, two young women got very upset at me. One got within 1 foot of my face and was speaking very loudly

I was having coffee with two other old ( ancient ) women and a young fellow pulled up in a very nice 65 Mustang. I said as he walked by, "she is a beauty" He said thank you but behind us a couple of young women told me. "Do not refer to cars as SHE, as it infers that women are objects of beauty and can be owned by men.

I told her all the women I knew, as far back as my grandmother in the 1940's never felt owned and none of the men that were married to them treated them like they owned them.

She didn't expect me to contradict her and she got visibly upset, stood up and walked over to me and said " what car do you invasion as a he ?" I told her I always though of a man when I saw the 1951 Studebacker Manta Ray. She immediately was on her phone looking it up and then said in a very sarcastic manner "cute, real cute " and they left.;)

Do any of you guys still use the word "she" when referring to a car, boat, even a gun or am I officially a dinosaur ?
Your response was epic and phallic , some persons (pc ) find a way to become offended ! You handled that wonderfully !
I thought of this thread yesterday when my father ask me to go to the shop and get two males and one female

We were working on an electrical project.

Is our family still using the wrong terminology ?

And speaking of females, especially on a hunting forum. I love the pictures of the 10 to 14 year old girls with their : Bear-Caribou-Goat-Moose-Sheep harvest--- in the 21/22 Alaska regulations . Congrats as well to the young men who are shown with their kills in the same publication.

I am sure it has a lot to do with where and how a girl is raised. I personally would much rather be on a sheep hunt or participating in a rodeo than shopping in a shopping mall. I mentioned this before but when we ( 4 young females ) took our Yukon river rafting trip we were asked several times by both men and women. Your doing this without a man going with you ? And we did----but--all four of us also still say "she is beautiful" when looking at a classic car or "he is a big boy" when looking at a nice truck.

and whether I am right or wrong I understand the reference and still refer to electrical products in male/female terminology ;)
and whether I am right or wrong I understand the reference and still refer to electrical products in male/female terminology ;)
I certainly hope you are evolved enough to, at the very least, make sure your cis-and trans- members of each component are kept in different bins. ;)
I thought some of you fellows, especially you older fellows, might get a chuckle from this

Yesterday, two young women got very upset at me. One got within 1 foot of my face and was speaking very loudly

I was having coffee with two other old ( ancient ) women and a young fellow pulled up in a very nice 65 Mustang. I said as he walked by, "she is a beauty" He said thank you but behind us a couple of young women told me. "Do not refer to cars as SHE, as it infers that women are objects of beauty and can be owned by men.

I told her all the women I knew, as far back as my grandmother in the 1940's never felt owned and none of the men that were married to them treated them like they owned them.

She didn't expect me to contradict her and she got visibly upset, stood up and walked over to me and said " what car do you invasion as a he ?" I told her I always though of a man when I saw the 1951 Studebacker Manta Ray. She immediately was on her phone looking it up and then said in a very sarcastic manner "cute, real cute " and they left.;)

Do any of you guys still use the word "she" when referring to a car, boat, even a gun or am I officially a dinosaur ?
There are plenty of people just sitting around waiting to grind their axe for any reason. Not sure why she thought it was any of her business if you were not talking to her. She has probably been getting away with sticking her nose into others conversations for a long time.
I spent most of my youth in the country with cows and horses. A fine featured young woman was a filly. A brash irritating one was a heifer. I never have never gotten used to city folks. I likely never will at this age. Nor do I care. I married a fine filly 44 years ago but there were a lot of heifers viewed along the trip. Europe you described a heifer nicely.
Nope, these days you are assigned an opinion, and even that won’t get you out of the woods.
And more so for young women than men of any age.

Older folks like April and my grandparents dismiss them with quotes like " they are one sandwich short of a picnic", but being a young female who is just recently out of college, they have an agenda and they get very upset at females who dont follow them blindly .

They believe that all "straight" men are hard wired to see women as sexual objects and therefore the enemy. But in their mind how could a women not agree with them and therefore the woman who was irritated with April only moved away after April put her in her place because April is an older woman and therefore not worth her time. Had it been me or Panda Bear, Hunting Wife, Mtelkhuntress, she would have been even more irritated and combative. I was once slapped by a feminist when in college for challenging her like April did. I did get in a bit of trouble unfortunately as I didn't slap her back, or walk away but hit her with a closed fist.

I love ranching, hunting, fishing, horses, and MEN and make no apology for it, and it drives them crazy. I would go out of my way to make comments about men, the way men make comments about women. Needless to say they didn't invite me to their meetings and I was o.k. with that ;)
And more so for young women than men of any age.

Older folks like April and my grandparents dismiss them with quotes like " they are one sandwich short of a picnic", but being a young female who is just recently out of college, they have an agenda and they get very upset at females who dont follow them blindly .

They believe that all "straight" men are hard wired to see women as sexual objects and therefore the enemy. But in their mind how could a women not agree with them and therefore the woman who was irritated with April only moved away after April put her in her place because April is an older woman and therefore not worth her time. Had it been me or Panda Bear, Hunting Wife, Mtelkhuntress, she would have been even more irritated and combative. I was once slapped by a feminist when in college for challenging her like April did. I did get in a bit of trouble unfortunately as I didn't slap her back, or walk away but hit her with a closed fist.

I love ranching, hunting, fishing, horses, and MEN and make no apology for it, and it drives them crazy. I would go out of my way to make comments about men, the way men make comments about women. Needless to say they didn't invite me to their meetings and I was o.k. with that ;)
Most of the feminists I have known were socially maladjusted. They were vainly looking for themselves. Grabbed onto feminism simply because they needed something to identify with. Most managed to ruin any chance at real happiness during their single gift of life. A few simply enjoyed being cranky for the sake of it. They are typically the rabble-rousers. Almost none were genuinely concerned about gender bias.

Randi, can't say as I blame you for slugging that chick but there are ways to physically hurt people without punching them. Girls are encouraged now to take up HS wrestling. Good place to learn some "defensive" moves that can be mighty offensive.
And more so for young women than men of any age.

Older folks like April and my grandparents dismiss them with quotes like " they are one sandwich short of a picnic", but being a young female who is just recently out of college, they have an agenda and they get very upset at females who dont follow them blindly .

They believe that all "straight" men are hard wired to see women as sexual objects and therefore the enemy. But in their mind how could a women not agree with them and therefore the woman who was irritated with April only moved away after April put her in her place because April is an older woman and therefore not worth her time. Had it been me or Panda Bear, Hunting Wife, Mtelkhuntress, she would have been even more irritated and combative. I was once slapped by a feminist when in college for challenging her like April did. I did get in a bit of trouble unfortunately as I didn't slap her back, or walk away but hit her with a closed fist.

I love ranching, hunting, fishing, horses, and MEN and make no apology for it, and it drives them crazy. I would go out of my way to make comments about men, the way men make comments about women. Needless to say they didn't invite me to their meetings and I was o.k. with that ;)
:LOL:"If you're going to fall for a woman son. Make sure she has BALLS." - Nathan Fillian as Sergeant Buck.

This is why @Randi has had to put up with my attempts to introduce her to my son.
Most of the feminists I have known were socially maladjusted. They were vainly looking for themselves. Grabbed onto feminism simply because they needed something to identify with. Most managed to ruin any chance at real happiness during their single gift of life. A few simply enjoyed being cranky for the sake of it. They are typically the rabble-rousers. Almost none were genuinely concerned about gender bias.

Randi, can't say as I blame you for slugging that chick but there are ways to physically hurt people without punching them. Girls are encouraged now to take up HS wrestling. Good place to learn some "defensive" moves that can be mighty offensive.
My granddaughter is the only middle school girl on the football team. She makes us proud, even though she looks more like a model than a tackle.
A friend suggested that Papa D (that's me) should be her tackling dummy! :D
She got within 1 foot of my face and was speaking very loudly.
I would have sneezed a big wet one right into her mouth. Or, if feeling charitable, I would have just said "I wasn't talking to you." and then utterly ignored her rude, childish ass.

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