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I think I'm going to do it : Bergara B-14 Hunter in 7mm-08

As long as you don't mind the weight. They're a tad heavier than many other rifles. I like the look of them and they have a great reputation for accuracy. The weight was the main reason I went with a Tikka instead. I don't think you'd ever regret shooting a 7mm-08. Really pleasant to shoot and the critters are just as dead when you hit them.
As long as you don't mind the weight. They're a tad heavier than many other rifles. I like the look of them and they have a great reputation for accuracy. The weight was the main reason I went with a Tikka instead. I don't think you'd ever regret shooting a 7mm-08. Really pleasant to shoot and the critters are just as dead when you hit them.
Definitely heavy but I prefer that. Find it to be more stable
Nice rifles. A buddy of mine who doesn’t shoot much lucked into one in 308W at a good price. I sighted it in and developed some loads for it for him. I couldn’t get the thing to NOT shoot any load well. I told him that I wanted first dibs if he ever decided to sell it
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Nice rifles. A buddy of mine who doesn’t shoot much licked into one in 308W at a good price. I sighted it in and developed some loads for it for him. I couldn’t get the thing to NOT shoot any load well. I told him that I wanted first dibs if he ever decided to sell it
Are you gonna have to lick him to get it too? Lol
Ordered one. Picked it up today and mounted a Trijicon Accupoint 3X9 mil dot green. I have several brands of ammo to try. I’ll follow the Bergara suggested break in process. Probably be next week as we are headed into some -20F weather this weekend.
Ordered one. Picked it up today and mounted a Trijicon Accupoint 3X9 mil dot green. I have several brands of ammo to try. I’ll follow the Bergara suggested break in process. Probably be next week as we are headed into some -20F weather this weekend.
-20, won’t have to worry about cooling the barrel between shots
I tried 4 different brands of ammo with the rifle. Average group was 3.5” 🤬. I called Bergara snd they sent me a free shipping form. Yesterday a rifle box arrived by UPS. Bergara sent me a new rifle, saying my first one had an action that’s was out of spec. They advised the new rifle grouped 3 shots at .214” and sent me the target. Anxious to try it, but I’m only 5 weeks into recovery from rotator cuff surgery 😞.
I tried 4 different brands of ammo with the rifle. Average group was 3.5” 🤬. I called Bergara snd they sent me a free shipping form. Yesterday a rifle box arrived by UPS. Bergara sent me a new rifle, saying my first one had an action that’s was out of spec. They advised the new rifle grouped 3 shots at .214” and sent me the target. Anxious to try it, but I’m only 5 weeks into recovery from rotator cuff surgery 😞.
Hopefully the new one is better. Every company has a few lemons, but not all have good customer service or stand behind their product. Sounds like Bergara is doing that for you.
I tried 4 different brands of ammo with the rifle. Average group was 3.5” 🤬. I called Bergara snd they sent me a free shipping form. Yesterday a rifle box arrived by UPS. Bergara sent me a new rifle, saying my first one had an action that’s was out of spec. They advised the new rifle grouped 3 shots at .214” and sent me the target. Anxious to try it, but I’m only 5 weeks into recovery from rotator cuff surgery 😞.
Get the surgery cleared up. Great to hear their mounted tests were dialed in. Good service.

Look forward to your target grouping. Wish I had the bling $ for a new thunderstick. In the mean time, I'll live through the many here. 🙂
Sorry no pics. 140 gr. Federal Premium Nosler Partions and 150 gr Nosler EldX are grouping 3/4”. It doesn’t like Federal Fusions, Remington Core Lock, Hornady Interlock. Still to try Winchester Power Points and Nosler Ballistic Tip.
Great chambering. I’m learning to love my 7mm08. A bit tough the last few years to find specific ammo but thankfully I had about a five year supply. I have about two years supply left of the federal nosler bts I been using. Got worn out looking for it so
I bought about another 5 year supply of Nosler BTs to give them a go. The new ammo shoots good and POI was so close to the federals it was scary.
Glad yours worked out for you. This happened to me except the rifle still didn't shoot until I paid out of pocket for a gunsmith. I'll never buy Bergarbage again, but my 6.5CM HMR is a shooter. Heavy, but a shooter.

I’ve heard a lot of good things about bergera, I almost bought one over my tikka t3x, be interested to know how it holds up. Best of luck with it

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