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I received my first copy of BHA's magazine


Active member
May 18, 2016
I had never heard of BHA (Backcountry Hunters and Anglers) until reading a public lands topical thread (arguably more of a bash the NRA thread.) Southern Elk suggested that joining BHA was important and so I did.

I read the thin magazine cover to cover over the Christmas weekend and found more of the magazine relevant to me than most magazines I receive and it wasn't too heavy on pounding the political issue. Additionally most of the writers were talented. I think I will follow them for a bit before I become a staunch supporter but I like what I see so far and encourage those who aren't familiar with them to take a look. I think the membership was $25.00 bucks and if all I get out of it is four issues of enjoyable reading and quality graphics its worth it, but I think the awareness that i will get will be worth a lot more.

Thank you Southern Elk.
I agree, I also hadn't heard of them until reading about them on this website. I joined and am telling everyone who will lend me their ear.
Joined a few months back after hearing of their work. Although most of their focus is the western states, this Midwesterner is in full support. I believe we must be proactive in order to save opportunities both for me and the generations that follow.
Joined a few months back after hearing of their work. Although most of their focus is the western states, this Midwesterner is in full support. I believe we must be proactive in order to save opportunities both for me and the generations that follow.

I'm still waiting to receive any membership info. Does BHA consider you part of the Michigan chapter?
I'm still waiting to receive any membership info. Does BHA consider you part of the Michigan chapter?

My suspicion is that you are not a part of any chapter unless you contact that chapter and join.

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