I Need Some Honest Opinions


I think it’s great that you still want to go after them and you should shoot whatever you want to shoot as long as it’s legal in the area you are hunting. I just turned 45 and already have little aches and pains....can’t imagine what I will feel like at your age. I have an uncle that is about your age and it kills me to see him struggle to do the things that he has always loved to do. Go shoot a calf if you want too. Don’t worry about what others think. If you change your mind and hire someone to pack one out then great. Bottom line is keep enjoying life and go hunt!
I believe that it is a tough thing for you to say and ask theses questions of the group and of yourself, and I take my hat off to you good sir! I respect your beliefs and your morals. With that being said, I believe, and someone else mentioned it as well, that it is our blood as hunters to pass our knowledge along, especially nowadays that so many of our beliefs seem to be under attack, if not extra scrutiny. Can you find someone or several someone's to mentor? While not being the answer to putting game on your table directly, I have found that teaching others and seeing them harvest their first animal is as fond a memories as any of my own personal accomplishments. Though it may not be the complete answer, it may fill the void, and you may fins a partner you can hunt with who will be there to help you when you fill your tag as well....
Nothing wrong with taking a calf in my opinion. The first elk I shot was a calf and the meat was fantastic. Also good to note that calves in general are less likely to make it through a harsh winter than a mature cow. Food for thought. Good on ya for still gettin after it!
Here’s an idea, get 2 or 3 pack goats! There cheap, you can easily keep 3 in your backyard in town. Walk them down the road in town to keep them from getting to fat. Helps you stay in shape. 3 goats + 2 trips = all meat and camp! or find a friend w pack stock. Good luck,
I really appreciate your posts guys. You have me thinking about more than ever now. I know I love to go elk hunting and giving it up is not a pleasant thought. I'm not even close to giving up. If I fall over dead on an elk hunt i'll die with a smile on my face. I'm allergic to rocking chairs and never want to sit in one. As long as my old Jeep keeps running and I can walk. I'll be hunting.

I much prefer to elk hunt than hunt for bear and deer. I've never been a big fan of deer or bear meat anyway.

Ok, my mind is set. I'll hunt for small elk. That sounds better than calf. As long as I can do it alone and on public land i'm happy. I'll enjoy the hunt and eveery bite of the meat.

Seriously, thanks for all your posts. This year is done for me. Next year it's a small cow. A very small cow.
Here’s an idea, get 2 or 3 pack goats! There cheap, you can easily keep 3 in your backyard in town. Walk them down the road in town to keep them from getting to fat. Helps you stay in shape. 3 goats + 2 trips = all meat and camp! or find a friend w pack stock. Good luck,

I live in an apartment. :)

I'm thinking of trying one of those plastic sleds they make to haul out deer. I think that would be easier than putting it on my back. It's also not just getting it out but skinning and quartering the animal. Getting the hindquarter cut off alone is a chore if the animal is big.
I live in an apartment. :)

I'm thinking of trying one of those plastic sleds they make to haul out deer. I think that would be easier than putting it on my back. It's also not just getting it out but skinning and quartering the animal. Getting the hindquarter cut off alone is a chore if the animal is big.

True, I have body issues too that limit me, ie the pack goats. I also bone elk out with quarters still attached when I’m alone. Sciatic nerve problem keeps me from being able to lift more than about 30 pounds.
Man, I hate to keep doing this. I won't hunt private land. Believe me, guys. I've thought of all the options for me. It's hunt for a calf or retire from elk hunting. That would hurt.

If I retire from elk hunting I have two options left. A buck or bear. I could hunt for bear every year and a buck about every other year. Since the buck and bear have overlapping seasons. I could hunt for both on the years I get a buck tag and just bear on the years I can't get the buck tag.

That doesn't sound too bad. At least i'd be hunting every year. Maybe that's a better option than hunting for an elk calf. Damn! The thought of shooting a calf will break my heart.

I'm sorry guys. I should have worked this out before starting this thread. Although , talking about it has really helped me work it out.

Ok, my elk hunting is done. Just bucks and boars from now on.

Thanks, guys.
Why not hunt the lower elevations and use a game cart? You can take bulls if you want them. I pulled many a pronghorn out of walk-in area miles away from a road with a game cart. Several trips for a bull or two trips for a cow. I am a bit younger than you are but as I age I just stop and rest more often. I use a game cart every day for moving feed bags, hay bales and my wife's amazon packages. 😁
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Duck-Slayer........Now there's a thought. Bone it out without removing the quarters. I usually remove the quarters and then bone it out. Living in an apartment I can't hang the meat, so boning out makes sense for me.

Thanks, this helps.
Why not hunt the lower elevations and use a game cart? You can take bulls if you want them. I pulled many a pronghorn out of walk-in areas miles away from a road with a game cart. Several trips for a bull or two trips for a cow. I am a bit younger than you are but as I age I just stop and rest more often. I use a game cart every day for moving feed bags, hay bales and my wife's amazon packages. 😁

My favorite spot is just a bit under 10,000ft. That is low altitude for me. :) It's also where the cows are in muzzleloader season for the easy hunting spot I like.
Yes, it's an option but not one i'd take. I have my own set of rules. If I can't do the whole hunt then I shouldn't be doing any of it. It's just how I am. You'd think I was nuts if you knew all my personal rules. I never talk about them but in this case I had to mention this one so you'd understand why I can't do what you suggest. Thanks for your post.
Foolish pride at its finest! When or if I get your ago. I'll beg barrow any chance to hunt bulls. My pride never got me anything!. Good luck
Foolish pride at its finest! When or if I get your ago. I'll beg barrow any chance to hunt bulls. My pride never got me anything!. Good luck

I don't consider it pride. I have nothing to be proud about. It's not my style.
My favorite spot is where I can get the meat out by myself.

Me too. My spot is the most level I can find to elk hunt. A nice area with big meadows and lots of aspens. Keeping in mind that I live at 8000ft. Going to 10,000ft has no effect on me.
Hunting is a very personal choice based upon ones own ethics and morals. Hunting by yourself allows one to set and achieve their own personal goals based on their own preferences. I can relate to why you think about hunting the way you do.
Me too. My spot is the most level I can find to elk hunt. A nice area with big meadows and lots of aspens. Keeping in mind that I live at 8000ft. Going to 10,000ft has no effect on me.
That makes sense to me. The meadows I hunt are at 8,000 ft and I live at 6,000ft.
Yeah, every area is a bit different. 8000ft here is the winter range. Just 5 min from where I live. I'll sit for hours in the winter just watching them.
A) a calf is biologically the cheapest elk. They’ve taken the fewest resources off the range, and they already have high mortality to predation and exposure compared to a mature animal. The biologists are right. It has the least impact on the herd. Not only that, it’s going to be some very tender meat. You’ll be glad you did it.

B) You should probably revisit your personal rules. You probably made them years ago under different circumstances and with a different frame of mind. Changing your mind on a subject due to new information or new life experiences is not equivalent to lacking integrity. The important thing on that subject is simply that you have put a lot of thought into it and changed your mind. Breaking your rule that you agree with would be lacking integrity. Changing your rule because you no longer find it reasonable or proper would be perfectly acceptable.

Aging happens to those of us who are lucky enough to last that long. One day you won’t be able to drive, but you’ll still need to get around. You might not be able to live alone, but still be able to live. You might not be able to wipe your hind end, but you’ll still need it wiped. There’s no shame in getting a little help when it’s justified. That’s something you’ll likely have to come to terms with in the future.
I don’t have much to add, other than I hope and pray I am still running around the elk woods at your age, that is awesome!! I second find a young buck that will take some cash as a packer... Maybe show him the ropes while you are at it. And no shame on a calf either!
OK heres my 2 cents from what I have gleaned from your comments you have lived your life on your terms following rules you set for yourself I respect that very much , My father was that way and I try to live the same, you love hunting and Ill bet have some great stories from when you were with your father and brother so, Go hunt if its a calf so be it!!! keep doing what you love as long as you can and keep living life on your terms good luck and god bless

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