i need serious help!!!


New member
Mar 22, 2003
AHHHH!!! guys these turkeys are driving me nutts. i live in kansas and where i hunt there is more than enough toms. and im good a locatin them in roost, my problem is i jus cant seem to get them to come out of roost towards me, they head the opposite direction, like fly to the other side of the creek or to the field on the other side of the trees, and every time i change, like the next morning or even a week later, they still go the opposite way. i get in the field around 6 and have never spooked em out of roost. im wondering how i can get em to fly down my way. i was thinkin aobut a decoy and if it would help??? another thing im confused on is weather or not to make soft purrs, clucks and yelps while they are in the trees to get there attention on my area. well if any one has any advice i would greatly appreciate it.
Use tree yelps and keep them real quiet. Listen to the Lovett Williams Real Turkey tapes. If you can get there well before light and put a hen decoy where they'll be able to see her it might help. A fly down cackle and some wing beats would probably help.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-13-2003 22:34: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Man, that's frustrating. Maybe you could be nearby, see which way they go coming down, then circle way around and call them into you then. It might take a few hours, but its an idea. Is it legal to have buckshot? Say, they are accross the creek and you can't get them to cross, put a buckshot in there and shoot accross the creek, as a backup? Good luck!
The idea is just as Ithica 37 suggested. Use tree yelps. Really soft. From my experience, you probably shoudn't use any puts though at this point. A decoy is always a good idea. If the area is open, the gobblers probably expect to see the hen before going toward it. Hard to tell for sure. Is it possible that they could see you move into location from their roost? You gotta pay particular attention to that. You might also be calling too often, in an attempt ot try to persuade them to come to you. Don't call too much or too loud. You might also need to try to change calls. Sometimes I try three or four (sometimes more) different pitched calls before I find one that really "turns them on". Just keep trying different things and you will get him. That's what makes the sport a "sport". LOL
Good luck!
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