I need more big Idaho Elk

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
I hunt elk In Idaho's beaverhead units. 20 plus years ago our dept of F and G changed these units to spike only to reduce pressure and increase bull to cow ratios.
Success rates have remained a dead heat.
pressure has increased-as it has everywhere!
bull to cow ratios are slightly, SLIGHTLY, lower.

20 years of this management practice have not had the desired effect.
I propose stopping the harvest of spike bulls. go to a 3 or 4 point per side minimum. The second year of this policy would yield 90% or more second year bulls with branched antlers, right?

Does anyone have experience with these types of regs-with deer or elk?
Do they work? Am I just a whiner?

Nick Sr.
The Island park area went to the spike only hunt years ago. What happened there was a increase in LARGE bulls. In fact when they started up a bow hunt there guys were killing a lot of bulls over 325.
Several other areas I hunt have seen the same thing. I am not familiar with your area but in my areas I hunt, I think spike only worked. But I will say the areas I hunt had a lower hunter use after the rule was started. The main reason was other areas had any bull regulations. So guys moved to other areas to hunt. The spike only areas were left alone and the bulls got bigger. Ron
I hunt in unit 50 right behind my house and harvest one each year, I have had no problems finding them you take one and another takes its place but its basically the same elk herd.

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