I just need a few tips on turkey hunting

Last year during turkey season my gramps took me turkey hunting which it's a funny story but anyways we got up there about 8 in the morning and to a little homemade blind square in the middle of the woods. We set there maybe 20 minutes calling which we didn't get a response so we eased out of the blind and towards the field I have mentioned and low and behold 800 yards away sets maybe 10 ish hens and a Tom. Fast forward that evening we set up and was waiting. But this is where the story spins around cause as we were setting there just over the hill 50yrds is a huge holler well coming up the holler was what I would call a decent size bear maybe 200 lbs? But anyways talk about scare the shit outta someone(not me but my companion lol). So anyways on are way back down we found about 3 different dogwood trees that the turkeys been resting in. Also in June the turkeys walked threw are yard so
So odds are that they'll be in similar areas but don't ever underestimate a turkey's ability to do the exact opposite of what you expect.
The reason turkey hunting is more fun than deer hunting is because you don’t have to hunt them like deer. I could shoot a turkey opening day every year by sitting under a couple big oaks, where they roost, in the afternoon. But, what fun would that be? My suggestion is to just spend a little time practicing calling, grab your shotgun, and go have fun. No need for decoys or fancy equipment. A tom is a tom. No big deal if you make a few mistakes along the way.
The reason turkey hunting is more fun than deer hunting is because you don’t have to hunt them like deer. I could shoot a turkey opening day every year by sitting under a couple big oaks, where they roost, in the afternoon. But, what fun would that be? My suggestion is to just spend a little time practicing calling, grab your shotgun, and go have fun. No need for decoys or fancy equipment. A tom is a tom. No big deal if you make a few mistakes along the way.
Thanks I have fun on every hunt I go on it'll be fun to bring the camo back outta storage lol I've spent all year with my turkey call and I think it's fairly good
I killed or assisted every bird without a decoy and that is a lot of birds. I have taken them along but they have never had a tom strutting on them and get shot. But I hunt the woods, so if you set up properly by the time the tom sees a decoy he should have lead poisoning. If you have small hills or thickets set up so you cannot see more than shooting distance. Example is if a tom is gobbling and he can hear your call don't worry about seeing him come in, just get setup with gun on your knee waiting for him to crest the hill and shoot him in the face at 40 yards or less. If you can see him at 70 yards he has more chance to see you as well. It is always tempting to want to see far in the woods but it will harm you more than help. Eliminate his best defense by limiting his vision of you.
I killed or assisted every bird without a decoy and that is a lot of birds. I have taken them along but they have never had a tom strutting on them and get shot. But I hunt the woods, so if you set up properly by the time the tom sees a decoy he should have lead poisoning. If you have small hills or thickets set up so you cannot see more than shooting distance. Example is if a tom is gobbling and he can hear your call don't worry about seeing him come in, just get setup with gun on your knee waiting for him to crest the hill and shoot him in the face at 40 yards or less. If you can see him at 70 yards he has more chance to see you as well. It is always tempting to want to see far in the woods but it will harm you more than help. Eliminate his best defense by limiting his vision of you.
I was hoping the decoy would take hid vision off of me haha but I got a really good spot picked and the range is about 20 yards at the farthest and the turkey has to come outta its cover into the field also I have found some big turkey feathers in this field aswell and asfar as shooting them I pretty damn good with this 410
Just in case some new turkey hunter is reading this thread in the future, just a quick reminder that you don't have to defeat a turkey's sense of smell like you do when hunting 4 legged animals. What you do have to do is defeat the incredible senses of sight and hearing. Any (and I mean any movement faster than a sleepy sloth) will give you away. Any noise made that doesn't recreate some natural noises heard in the field will give you away.

One last thought.....Shooting at the head put half the pattern of pellets over the head, never to do any damage at all. I think about hitting the junction of the neck/body about 2-3 inches up when a tom is stretched out. I might get a few flyers in the breasts, but I will be successful in a quick lethal pattern on neck/head.
Less is more. Decoys, blinds, calls, all of it. Less is more. Whenever you plan on doing something wait ten minutes, when you're done waiting, do it again.