Caribou Gear Tarp

I just need a few tips on turkey hunting


Active member
Oct 1, 2024
Hey folks so far first post since I've came back but I need so tips on how to hunt some turkeys with turkey season coming up. I've done my basic scouting and I've found where they roost at and when I was deer hunting I heard one sneaking around also I should add what equipment I'm gonna use. I have a 410 with turkey shot. complete camo suit. And a turkey call but I don't have no decoys so will I need some? Also I plan hunting on a fence row that goes to there roost and that's about all I've came up with so any tips would be appreciated
Get in before daylight without using a flashlight. Get between the roost and where they want to go.
What state are you hunting?
Get in before daylight without using a flashlight. Get between the roost and where they want to go.
What state are you hunting?
Missouri and I can't use a flashlight at all? I know my way perfectly around the area but should I be worried about bears and whatnot
Never worry about black bears. And never use a flashlight at all.

If the fence line doesn’t have much cover, you might want a decoy. The Tom isn’t going to come in if he doesn’t see a turkey where he’s hearing the calling.
Would finding there food source and setting there be a idea?
Get to a good listening point before daylight. Once he gobbles on the roost, get in as tight as you can without bumping him. I’ll give a very soft tree yelp, then go silent until he flies down.
Never worry about black bears. And never use a flashlight at all.

If the fence line doesn’t have much cover, you might want a decoy. The Tom isn’t going to come in if he doesn’t see a turkey where he’s hearing the calling.
Let me rephase that with what about cougars and bobcats
Never worry about black bears. And never use a flashlight at all.

If the fence line doesn’t have much cover, you might want a decoy. The Tom isn’t going to come in if he doesn’t see a turkey where he’s hearing the calling.
Fence line has great cover all along it 25 yards cedars low hanging Branches infront bright yellow grass low cut the turkeys cross that field to make it to a hill 300 yards away into another woodine which I don't own but they follow a old road going by the fence line then it drops to a small crossing where a huge tree is down but the fence has great cover
Get to a good listening point before daylight. Once he gobbles on the roost, get in as tight as you can without bumping him. I’ll give a very soft tree yelp, then go silent until he flies down.
I figured the hens would wanna eat and that would be a Tom
Use the terrain to your advantage. If you don’t have a decoy set u just behind a hill so the turkey has to crest the hill to see the birds. BOOM! I very rarely use a decoy unless I’m in an open field.

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