I hope GSP....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Lights Silva up.... He's a BEOTCH !!!!!

One thing to talk crap and act like a Monkey but it you're holding the Title, don't be a PUSS !!! That front foot to the Chin crap pisses me off !!!!! ME, Not so much a fan at all !!!!
That fight won't happen, if it ever does it will be a non title contest. Dana is pissed with anderson, I don't think hes going to get any of his wishs for awhile
I agree Anderson was disrespectful, stalling, and boring. So why didn't Maia take him down and sub him? Even if you hate him he is still light years better then Maia. Anderson can make 170 and people want to see him and GSP so f%$k Dana White. He wants to give the fans back for this lousy card. How about Anderson GSP on Spike TV.

With GSPs wrestling and athletism he is the only person in the UFC who could give him a fight. Dana yelling at Anderson's corner during a fight was more disgraceful then Anderson's performance. It would be like Roger Goodell going in to the Saints locker room at half time of the super bowl and yelling at them. I love MMA but it will never be a real sport with guys like Dana running the UFC.
Anderson Silva is a D*ck. I was a fan before this fight. He had Maia beat and should have finished it and easily could have. Instead he ran away from Maia for 2 and half rounds. Dana was right to be pissed...I was pissed...Andersons corner should have been pissed too. He is the best fighter in his weight class...but he is a sh*tty champion. I hope someone will knock his clown a*s out! Maybe it will be GSP. I would like to see it, but not sure if the fight will even happen.

Edgar and Hughes were both very impressive.
So why didn't Maia take him down and sub him? Even if you hate him he is still light years better then Maia.

Maia isn't a better fighter. But he did try taking him down. But Silva has been fighting crappy the last couple fights. He's the only one I know or have seen do the foot stomp to the knee/chin move. I think thats cheap. He's fast and a accurate, He slips in and get's out a lot without getting hit and put's on a show. I will give him that. But he should go in and take care of Bizz'nass. People don't pay to watch a (In my sarcasitc voice "pound for pound best fighter in the world"... run away from someone that he's "better" than.

I was jsut disapointed at the fight. Probably becaues I was mad at the spider going into the fight. Be cocky, but back it up or loose like a man.
the kicks to the knee were cheap shots. I could see it if he had to do it to protect himself. After the first one, proving that he could, he should have knocked it off. He easily should have been able to take care of buisness without doing that. He is too accurate and precise with that kick; he could have potentially given Maia a career ending injury. Absolutely uncalled for. I have no respect for Silva anymore...I am oficially a Silva hater now. What a clown! Maybe the WWE will take him, they can always use more clowns.
Can't Dana pull his belt?
I know he can if Silva tests positive or refuses a match, why not for refusing to meet the goals of the UFC?
Nik, that would be to open for future issues. What constitutes "goals" ? Someone could argue not hitting enough or going to ground and pound or jsut standing up or not throwing enough 'bows.... Thats not a good can to open.

I don't think he should get it yanked because he's the best and has proven that it but he does need to step it up. This ain't the WWE ;)

I'm still n the "Don't like Silva" wagon though......
You know... Unlike others, I'm OK with some Name calling, Some taunting, etc. What I didn't like was the complaining that Maia didn't fight well yet Silva ran the last 2 1/2 rounds away from Maia. If he's gonig to be the "Pound for pound best fighter" then fight. Otherwise he's the "Pund for pound best runner".

Most of the guys are good freinds. Look at Matt Hughes and Renzo Gracie. MAtt put the Whoopin on Gracies leg yet helped him up. I thnik thats a bit ODD that fighters (in the ring) would do that, but those boyz are definately on a different level.
I'm alright with taunting short of "I'm gonna eat your kids!"
It's part of the game and part of the show.
Can you imagine if a couple of sumo dudes fought like Silva?
GSP is the man but I wish he could have knocked out Hardy....I can't stand that guy. He reminds me of Bisbing and needs to be knocked the"F" out!!!
What's funny about Henderson and Bisbing is Dan admitted that he hit him again with tha drop punch AFTER he knew he was knocked out. I mean, we all knew it, and all jumped out of our chair and said "DAAAAAYyyym" but for him to Admit it like that... I was floored, but Bisbing did have it coming. Dana White had a rough night that night. I think it was the same night Lesner told the Beer sponsors to F-off and he was gonig to dring the other brand and he was gonig home to romp on his ol' lady.
Moosie here's my take on Lessner, I hope Shane Carwin knocks him the "F" out!!! Shane is just a big version of Henderson. @#)(# that right and and let her fly.(notice the two "S's")!! Dana say's the UFC fans finally have someone to hate, well he's got one thing right anyway. Besides Shane is our home town super hero!
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