Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

I hate to do this, but “buyer beware”


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018
I know that there are a few AR hunters on here and I wanted to save someone some troubles. I just posted this on Google reviews since BCA wouldn’t post it on their own website. Do not buy from Bear Creek Arsenal unless you are really good with luck of the draw, or unless you want heartache and frustration. No need in reinventing the wheel, so I’ll just cut and paste here:

“Buyer beware. I had heard that BCA didn’t have the most refined stuff, but if you can handle some tooling marks then it functioned fine and was accurate. I had also heard that they had good service and if you got anything from them that was unacceptable then they would make it right. Unfortunately that last part is not correct.

I will try to keep this long story short and say that I ordered an 18” 6.5g upper from BCA on 11/14/20. It shipped on 11/16/20, so I was happy. It came in and was test fired for function within days, and had issues with scarring the brass and it would not eject a live round without using two hands and grunting while pulling the charging handle. I emailed in the warranty form, was quickly given an RMA, and sent it in to them. I received an email on 12/1/20 that it was received, so all seemed well.

I was patient at first, but then emailed the week before Christmas and asked for an update. Quick email response that they would check on it, then no follow up response for days. I emailed back during the week of Christmas, and finally got a response after “talking to” a chat bot that popped up when I visited the website. I was looking for a phone number to call, but they have taken it down off of their website. They let me know that my barrel was bad, but the same barrel wasn’t in stock. They gave me a few to choose from, and I selected an acceptable replacement. I was agitated by the poor communication and slow response at that point, but was still understanding since I knew that volume was high.

Then more silence. Finally got an email on 1/5/20 asking if I would accept YET ANOTHER different barrel, and when I requested more information I got no response.

It is nearing two months since I ordered my product and I can’t get someone to respond to me, much less ship me the product that I ordered. I have left my phone number on every email that I have sent and no one has called me. The upper that I ordered showed “in stock” for a good while after I sent it in, so obviously my warranty repair was on the back burner since a replacement was not sent to me. Even now they have acceptable replacement uppers in stock, but there is no offer to send me one of those. Now the barrels that were in stock at the time that I selected a replacement are out of stock, so I really have no idea what is going on.

Before all of this I was considering buying a second upper from them in 5.56, and a friend of mine was wanting to feel the weight of my Grendel before deciding which model to order from them, but they have lost at least two sales and loyal customers through all of this. Unfortunately, all of the other vendors that were stocking acceptable alternative Grendel uppers are now out of stock, so I can’t even request a refund and go elsewhere. Just poor customer service on something that should have been so simple. It could have all been resolved with some halfway decent communication and prompt replacement of my defective and unsafe product, and could still be rectified by the same.”

I’ll provide updates if anything changes.
This upper was purchased for a youth deer hunting rifle. Accuracy is important, but doesn’t have to be a tack driver for 150 yards and in. Just needs to be “reasonably accurate,” safe and reliable.
They do not have a great reputation on ar15. Unfortunately you sometimes get what you pay for. BUT, no excuse for poor customer service.
Yeah, seems like customer service is a thing of the past anymore.
Some have had decent experiences with their products, but I've read of a lot of bad ones. Being raided for using illegal immigrants as labor a few years ago was a good indicator that they'll cut corners to save a buck when they can, sounds like customer service is lacking as well.
I had heard good and bad on the web, but the people closer to my “inner circle” had had good experiences with their products. Said that they were less “polished,” but reliable and accurate. I was willing to accept that for the cost and availability difference. But you are right, you sometimes get what you pay for. Lesson learned.

I got two email responses from BCA this morning. One was direct from a person, another was a response to a review. I responded with a request for more information to the one, and am awaiting another response.

I’m listening and willing to accept their reasoning (although an out of office response or otherwise would have been a professional courtesy) as long as they make it right.

I’ll keep you all informed.


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I had heard good and bad on the web, but the people closer to my “inner circle” had had good experiences with their products. Said that they were less “polished,” but reliable and accurate. I was willing to accept that for the cost and availability difference. But you are right, you sometimes get what you pay for. Lesson learned.

I got two email responses from BCA this morning. One was direct from a person, another was a response to a review. I responded with a request for more information to the one, and am awaiting another response.

I’m listening and willing to accept their reasoning (although an out of office response or otherwise would have been a professional courtesy) as long as they make it right.

I’ll keep you all informed.
This kinda of customer service just pisses me off! in 38 years in the high end commercial printing business,and dealing with customers from Fortune 500 companies. My goal was always give the client more than they expected! Best of luck!
I responded to their emails on Monday morning... and haven’t received a response as of Wednesday morning. I asked for a new upper, which is equivalent and was in stock at the time.

I called and left a message this morning, but don’t expect a response at this point. If I ever reach a person at BCA again I will ask to speak with a manager, but I really think that they are ghosting me at this point.
Sounds like buying from Norinco here in Canada... Too bad you guys outlawed Chinese made rifles, they make decent/fun cheap chit, that won't break the bank if it sucks.
Well, I talked to a person in customer service late this morning. They were polite. I politely told them that I would like resolution to my warranty claim, and that if they couldn’t make the decision that I would like to speak with a manager. They promised that they would have a manager call me back at their earliest convenience. Guess what... I never got a return call.
I just talked to a Customer Service Manager. She apologized for the delays and hassle, and says that she will be sending me a replacement upper quickly. It sounds like we are getting somewhere, but I want to have the upper in my hands before I call it done
Final update: the UPS man came up the driveway late yesterday afternoon just before dark. The BCA upper finally came, and seems to be in really good shape. Yes, there are some tooling marks, but the chamber looks clean and bore looks good. I shot a few rounds through it today and it appears that my only magazine is not acting just right, as it won’t pick up the second to third round from the end of the magazine. It did not like the JP reduced power springs, giving light primer strikes and inconsistent ignition, so I had to go back to the mil-spec springs... I guess an aftermarket trigger is in my future.

At 50yd it’s shooting very well, though. It hits right where I aim every time, even though I really didn’t shoot it for groups. I’m going to take it to the range this weekend to do a little 100yd shooting and see how she does. Minimal brass markings compared to last time, so all seems well. I did some light feedramp polishing this evening. I want to shoot it over a chrono with the little bit of factory ammo that I have left.

It took longer than I expected, with more frustration than I wanted, but BCA did make it right. I was told that the person in the warranty department that I had been dealing with had been sick, so that may have caused some delays, but some halfway decent communication could have kept the frustration levels lower and the patience levels higher.
Well, I talked to a person in customer service late this morning. They were polite. I politely told them that I would like resolution to my warranty claim, and that if they couldn’t make the decision that I would like to speak with a manager. They promised that they would have a manager call me back at their earliest convenience. Guess what... I never got a return call.
I retired from the banking business many years ago. Learned a few things along the way that still serve me to this day. An old one is ...Always, after you get that first guy, before you hang up, get his name. And present day gives some real opportunities to mention your familiarity with the power of tech....the threat of YELP! is real.
I got a 224 Valkyrie upper from them a few years ago, absolute tack driver to 800 yards. I also make them ammo for it though. Can't say anything about customer service but sadly it seems to be lacking everywhere anymore.
My 7yr old BCA 7.62X39 upper is very accurate and has had zero failures. I trust it 100% and keep it as my "house gun". I have also killed a couple of deer and several wolves with it in the last few years.
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