I hate mice..... I mean I want to kill every last one of them

My wife called once several years ago after discovering a live mouse in a glue trap in her car. After suggesting many of the methods listed in this thread and having them rejected she settled on placing the trap upside down behind her car tire.
Honestly, this was the first time I had tried it. Very doubtful it would work for a rat but for mice…spot on.

Anyhow, the biggest issue was what to do with them all. Take the 2x4 and just mash them? Not my kind of style. Today being Christmas I decided to drive them a mile away and turned them loose. Such a decision may gather some hate based on this thread 🤣
Best to ear tag them first though, so if they show up again, you can get dibs on the screenplay: The Incredible Journey, A Mouse Christmas Miracle.
Had this happen. Little butt hole chewed a wire on my headlight plug. Of course Rock Auto doesn't carry the plug so I got to figure out where to get one.
Had this happen. Little butt hole chewed a wire on my headlight plug. Of course Rock Auto doesn't carry the plug so I got to figure out where to get one.
Can't splice it? Bastards got a wire to my car horn in a VERY hard to access area! Took a while to trace it down and fix.
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