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I got a question?

CO elk guide

New member
Dec 27, 2000
Meeker, CO. usa
Hey guys. Got a question for you hound hunters. I love a good dog and i think that what you guys do is great, I have no problem with the sport.

I would love to have a cat, but I don't want to shoot one thats been treed! Now don't get me wrong i have no problem with it at all, none whatsoever, and i know its great, the chase and all. But do you think its possible, for a couple of guys to track one down themselves? Out snowmobiling on the place i come across lion tracks often, do you think i could don the snowshoes, in perfect conditions, one guy carrying a short range weapon (shotgun) in case of close up and one carrying a longer range weapon ( my catbird) and be successful? Just curious of your thoughts on this. I think it would be great to try it. I can go all day long on the shoes. And i think I could do it. You guys have way more experience with cats than i have had and i would appreciate your thoughts on the subject. Take care

I know a couple of guys that have done it.But you might be in for a long walk. I know of three lions that were killed like this, this year, and all three were spotted watching the hunters approaching on their tracks. Lion are fairly curious about humans. Following with a dog sure is more fun to me tho.KW
Good luck Guide! Wont be easy but it has been done. Not nearly as successfully tho!!! Kinda like calling one in with a predator call! Everything has to be just right, and it rarely is!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
When I'm elk and deer hunting I'll often get sidetracked tracing a lion. I've gone five hours at a pretty steady pace, on a fresh track, never saw him. Sme cat with dogs would have been up in five minutes.

I recently saw a newspaper story out of Yakima or Ellensburg, Washington. A few guys tracked down and killed 14 last year (evidently with 14 total different people, but a couple of the guys were always there).

To this I say, Bull Sh!t. Just my humble opinion though!
Hornseeker-I got to agree with ya. They may have got 14 lions and they may be pulling our leg a little. If it was I would say most were females. And if it was true at least half of the females had kittens somewhere!!!
Big toms around here I would like to see them track down on foot!!!
We have tracked lions to three difffernt mountain ranges over a three day period, and were still a day behind them, MANY times.!!!! We didnt do it on foot but the dogs did, and I would like to meet the tough SOB that thought he could have followed those dogs!!!! I am sure it can happen but it isnt a very likely thing that a fella would ever catch up. For one the lion would get tired of being stalked as they have much better senses than a human, and might decide you looked good for lunch!!!! They can walk 20 miles in a night, as we found out and never break out of a walk. We treed a record book lion once and the hunter couldnt make it to the tree before dark. We took pictures and turned the lion loose and started under that tree the next morning. Mounted on our horses we followed the lion track with the dogs in hot persuit we thought. At the end of the day the lion was stil going. Belly deep snow on the horses most of the day except the bare south hillsides. When we gathered the wore out dogs, the lion was still going, at a WALK!!!!!! If a guy just wants his excercise with a degree of adrenaline rush at what he was doing it would be fine, but to bank on actually catching one that way I would say the odds are about NILL! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
Yeah, thats what i thought. I would seem to think that it would have to be absolutely perfect conditions and a very hot track. Doesn't mean i wouln't like to try. I did call in one bobcat once with a predator call. Turned a few black bears also. Never a lion tho. Thanks for the comments.

Tried calling here in AZ for two years for a lion and all I had come in were bobcats, foxes, coyotes and deer. Down in Mexico where I hunt we glass about 5-10 lions in 30 day period and have called two of them in with screaming jackrabbit calls. Usually scare every deer in the area though.
here is what has worked for me I have called in 3 lions. 2 were called useing a fawn bleat calling coyotes on winter feeding grounds for deer they were both called about this time of year. I stayed on the first stand about 45 mins because I cut fresh tracks while goin to the stand. the second cat was just happenstance for I had no idea he was anywhere close(boy was I surprized)the 3rd cat was called in dec. using the same fawn bleat and it was another Happenstance. All 3 presented a shot between 75 and 100yrds but I was hunting coyotes not cats and left my tags at the house. I just read an article in the last couple of months about a guy in CO that does a spot and stalk type of deal on Lion. He cuts a fresh track and then folows it on cross country ski's when he gets to a open view he takes out his bino's and surveys the area a head watching every bit of cover. He also stated that he has jumped way more Lions than he has ever got close to.and the way he found out was because he seen where they had bedded.
Good Luck ..ill stick to my dogs.LOL

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Good luck Stu!!!! If ya ever decide to run a lion, you are welcome to borrow a couple of my dogs and my tracking unit!!! Or at least a couple collars so we can find them if ya loose them!!! Good luck tracking one down or calling them, it does work sometimes, but it is hard when ya go calling them not to shoot the first coyote ya see!!! Then they are gone for sure
Lions come in alot slower, I have heard and usually the coyotes come in first. Too tempting for me not to blast the coyote!!!

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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