
I Blanked

Water Wapiti

New member
May 20, 2004
Green River, Wyoming
My Elk tag went unfilled, but had a great time pursuing them. Ya gotta love huntin the rainforest.
This one is a new bud, he's in the Army and first time hunting with us.

My son-in-law in another river bottom.

This one is a small flat up one of the drainages we hunted.

And one in camp

No, that’s not me in the background, that's Bob a long time friend that started huntin the rainforest area I hunt the year after I was born.

Thanks Moosie an Ithica, it was another grand time. Good friends an good times. An huntin them Roosevelts in the rainforest is like hunting no place else on earth.

Tough Country

MAN THAT IS THICK. do you even need a scope? I'd like to try that kind of country some day. It looks like the selway, only thicker.

That terrain looks familliar. I'm been tagging along with my bow hunting partner in the Quinault Valley for the last 5 years. I've seen some monsters come out of that valley during the oct rifle hunt. I've got 8 points built for the 5 tag AG hunt in Oct. Theres nothing like those rosie bulls in the coastal mtns.
I'm currently a rifle guy, but I'm thinking about switching over to a bow. I don't know if it will make me more sucessfull,but I am positive I'll have more action. hump


Nice handle!

We were 10 miles north of the lake, as a crow flies. I've hunted the same area with a rifle now for 24 years. I'm goin to give the stick huntin thing a try myself next season. Finally gave in to my bow huntin buds. Not sayin I'm switching yet. When I compare my bulls to theirs, both in size and #s, I win hands down. Goin to do it next season to get them off my back, but, pluses are - a lot more time afield. Who knows, maybe I'll like it.
