I am looking to buy land, Help!!

check arizona...the northern part up in the mountains, you can buy land to build on later and get a lot of land for your money, or you can buy a nice cabin on an acre or so thats already built. nice weather year round up in the mountains.
Amen to that! The Payson(sp?) area is beautiful year round and only an hour or two fron any weather you want.
My only gripe about AZ is drawing tags. I would go to NM before i did AZ just so i could elk hunt almost every year.
That is what is keeping me from buying there at this time. If i could find a place there that was real nice for a good price (not listed with an agent) I would be interested. Actually i really like the patagonia and sonoita area too.

I can say that the land/home values here have been appreciating slightly higher than 10% per year - I am in collier County, Fla. Is that far enough South for you?
wait a second...what am i thinking, nevermind, arizona sucks! dont move here, its horrible...in fact i just heard on the radio that "there is no arizona"! stay away, we have enough people moving here as it is!! hahaha just kidding man, its great here, but it is getting crowded!
Scmaltz, My cuz bought 260 achers with house and a barn with a year round creek that is loaded with whitetail and turkey with several springs. Lots of oak forest and meadows. It is right outside Harrison, AR. He only paid $150,000 for it. Cheap! It wa 55deg there Christmas day.
AZ is way overpriced, Payson 5 acres for 150k forget it, you might get 1 acre for that price in payson, and yes drawing a tag is terrible and getting worse.There is a small town called Cliff or Gila in NM. check them out.
schmalts... az is a nice place as for tags there not that hard to get i have gotten an elk tag every year for the last 8 years
place like payson, prescott, flagstaff,that is where every buddy is moving to there is a lot of places in between these towns like the tonto basin area is one youi have good hunting an fishing close by it gets a little warm in the summer an in the winter at nite it gets down to about 30 some of the big towns only are 20-30 min away
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