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Hyalite now closed to recreational shooting (MT)

Unfortunately this needed to happen. I have been shooting up there regularly for 20 years and have been appalled at some of the behavior up there. Its too bad because there are not a lot of other options in the valley. I don't like the idea of being forced to join a political organization that I don't fully support to be able to shoot at the Logan range so now I guess I will have to drive out of the valley to shoot.
The other unfortunate part of this is that those whose actions resulted in the closure are very unlikely to actually reflect on the consequences of their actions. They will instead characterize it as another example of the guvmint impinging on their god given right to do whatever they want wherever they want to do it. There is already a comment on the Chronicle website characterizing the closure as the forest service unreasonably restricting access.
I like shooting out at Revenue Flats & Logan, and I've gone to Johnson Canyon up in the north Bridgers as well, but the way people have trashed Revenue and Johnson Canyon have really upset me whenever I go out shooting. It always seemed iffy to go up to Hyalite, I'm glad they're closing it down in this way. And tbh I don't really like hearing tons of guns going off when I'm up there hiking, kind of kills the vibe of one of my favorite places.

Would any local HTers be interested in doing some sort of clean-up in the areas in Hyalite that people trashed? That might be a great way to show hunter support for closing it off to target shooting and giving back to the particular areas that were hit hardest by irresponsible shooting.

Maybe we could organize it through BHA. It could be good press for local hunters and maybe send a message to the people who are leaving their shells and clays everywhere. And it would be a nice way to spend some time outside and do something nice for our community.
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Would any local HTers be interested in doing some sort of clean-up in the areas in Hyalite that people trashed? That might be a great way to show hunter support for closing it off to target shooting and giving back to the particular areas that were hit hardest by irresponsible shooting.

Maybe we could organize it through BHA. It could be good press for local hunters and maybe send a message to the people who are leaving their shells and clays everywhere. And it would be a nice way to spend some time outside and do something nice for our community.

I'm in, so long as it is a day I am in town. If the expectation is to clean up the entire Hyalite shooting area, better have dump trucks and front-end loaders on hand.
During the past two years the USFS has provided information for BOZEMAN CHRONICLE articles regarding the extensive clean-up accomplished each year up Hyalite Canyon. It involved dump trucks, tools and equipment and described materials in tons and truckloads. The point was clear that it was impossible to complete an acceptable clean-up due to the massive tons of litter and debris spread over acres of land, due to limited manpower resources, and due to the limited funding USFS had available to complete the massive task.

Count me in for a well-organized clean-up project. I suggest collaboration with USFS, as they already have an ongoing program ... albeit insufficient, but not due to their inattention.
I like shooting out at Revenue Flats & Logan, and I've gone to Johnson Canyon up in the north Bridgers as well, but the way people have trashed Revenue and Johnson Canyon have really upset me whenever I go out shooting. It always seemed iffy to go up to Hyalite, I'm glad they're closing it down in this way. And tbh I don't really like hearing tons of guns going off when I'm up there hiking, kind of kills the vibe of one of my favorite places.

Would any local HTers be interested in doing some sort of clean-up in the areas in Hyalite that people trashed? That might be a great way to show hunter support for closing it off to target shooting and giving back to the particular areas that were hit hardest by irresponsible shooting.

Maybe we could organize it through BHA. It could be good press for local hunters and maybe send a message to the people who are leaving their shells and clays everywhere. And it would be a nice way to spend some time outside and do something nice for our community.

Somebody already cleans up the mess. It might be the Friends of Hyalite. There was an article in today's paper saying the Forest Service has tried to work with Sportsmen's groups but they aren't interested.

As far as defending the NRA on this issue, bullcrap. If TU can clean up the crap left by inner tubers on the Madison, and the non-sportsmen's group can clean up the mess up Hyalite left by the gun slobs, then the NRA can take some leadership role on a problem caused by gun owners doing great damage to the image of gun owners. As far as I know the only thing they are doing at a national level is push for laws that would prevent these types of closures. I guess the money created by milking the conflict is too much too pass up.
Growing up with NRA firearms safety programs and way back when I was an NRA member, that was the leading organization promoting safety and firearms training, with strong support of hunter education programs. Now NRA has evolved into mostly a political legislative lobbying machine. 'Too sad!

I contend the NRA would do themselves better by collaborating with the USFS and BLM and divert some of those millions and millions of donated lobbying dollars to construct shooting ranges on public land, open to the public, and promoting firearms safety, proficiency, and ethical responsibility once again.
Friends of Hyalite does have a bi-annual clean up. Here's last year's announcement.

Thanks Rob--I'll reach out and see when they're planning on the spring clean-up. Maybe the BHA members in Bozeman can team up to participate with FOH in the spring clean-up.

When I hear back from FOH, I'll reach out to BHA and see what we can put together. I'll keep you all posted.
Thanks Rob--I'll reach out and see when they're planning on the spring clean-up. Maybe the BHA members in Bozeman can team up to participate with FOH in the spring clean-up.

When I hear back from FOH, I'll reach out to BHA and see what we can put together. I'll keep you all posted.
Good. I emailed Joe Josephson a few minutes ago saying a bunch of gun nuts might be willing to help him so we can compare notes. ;)
Big Fin, I totally agree with your comments although I wonder why the ranges in the Bozeman area don't adopt a guest/visitor policy. I think that being a NRA member/ paying $40 year or whatever to use the ranges is totally worth it, but I do really appreciate the fact that the range near my parents house in CO lets anyone shoot for $10 a visit. This is awesome if you are in the area hunting and want to do a quick double check sight in or if you only visit the range a couple times a year. It's the same thing community pools, ice rinks, ect. have in place and it benefits everyone involved. Seems like a sensible policy but I have yet to see any range in Montana that do it, I'm probably over looking a good reason why they don't.
Big Fin, I totally agree with your comments although I wonder why the ranges in the Bozeman area don't adopt a guest/visitor policy. I think that being a NRA member/ paying $40 year or whatever to use the ranges is totally worth it, but I do really appreciate the fact that the range near my parents house in CO lets anyone shoot for $10 a visit. This is awesome if you are in the area hunting and want to do a quick double check sight in or if you only visit the range a couple times a year. It's the same thing community pools, ice rinks, ect. have in place and it benefits everyone involved. Seems like a sensible policy but I have yet to see any range in Montana that do it, I'm probably over looking a good reason why they don't.

I can bring one guest, any time, free of charge. Probably half of my shooting days I will bring a guest who is not a member of either the NRA or the shooting range. In fact, there are times I have had two guests, been checked by the range officer member and told him I had a new shooter with us and it was best to have two of us instructing the new shooter. He thought that was a great idea and jumped in to helped.
Johnson canyon is another area that should be closed in my opinion. Plenty of shooting ranges out there and open prairie lands where people can spread out and shoot. The mountains are for peace quite in my opinion. As far as the garbage issue. It is disgusting how disrespectful people are to our lands. I pulled in to a piece of state the other morning to look for sheds. A parking spot for teenagers and slobs or something, I was greeted by beer cans, a rubber, and someones bag of fast food garbage. As i hiked in there was garbage all over the place for the first 300 yards. Felt like I was at the city dump hiking around.
When it comes to free rifle and shotgun ranges you will always have people that abuse the facility. ND game and fish have an excellent range south of bismarck that is policed by the individuals using it at the moment. Once the rules are broken the department shuts it down for a period of time which makes people realize they have to not only police themselves but also police others and when it comes down to it turn the slobs and A holes in to enforcement. Having been an NRA member since I was a small kid shooting small bore matches at many NRA affiliated ranges I can tell you firearm safety and respect is taught and there is zero tolerance for idiots then and more than ever today. A membership to the NRA and a NRA affiliated is range is well worth the money. Hell its a lot cheaper than a NR tag in most states plus you meet many like minded people at the range that are pissed at the NRA for the response on Public Land, but it sure is nice having a excellent indoor and outdoor facility to enjoy the shooting sports.
Just a heads up, spring cleanup in Hyalite is on May 15th! I'll be there, hope to see some of you HTers there as well.

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