
Hunts you consider unethical and why?

What hunts would you refuse to participate in due to personal ethical concerns (cost no object)?

  • 'Target'-based shooting (e.g., prairie dogs, woodchucks) where the game is not utilized

    Votes: 50 22.0%
  • Competitive Hunts (e.g., coyote competitions)

    Votes: 59 26.0%
  • Species significantly diminished &/or threatened by human activity (rhinos, elephants)

    Votes: 85 37.4%
  • High fence operations

    Votes: 159 70.0%
  • Very long range shooting situations (arbitrarily defined by me as >800 yards)

    Votes: 153 67.4%
  • Game where consumption was only fur, no meat harvested (e.g., grizzly for many, most furbearers)

    Votes: 27 11.9%
  • Hunts where the game is 'cornered' (e.g., treed mountain lion, raccoon)

    Votes: 23 10.1%
  • Broadhead testing with Stay Sharp

    Votes: 70 30.8%
  • Female species hunts (cow, doe, ewe, etc)

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Other (please specify in comments)

    Votes: 15 6.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't understand why shooting something in a high fence would be called hunting . Do you need a hunting license and a deer tag to do it ? Is it the fact you have a gun and shoot something that makes you a hunter ? When I was a kid my dad bought 2 cows and raised them for meat . One day he went out and shot one and took it to the butcher , was he cow hunting .

I believe in Texas a hunting license is required but no tags are sold for exotics and all deer require a deer tag on the hunting license except for managed land deer permits. I’ve hunted highfence and normal family ranches and didn’t really notice any difference besides size of deer and you still hunt the same way. You also don’t really notice your in a ranch when it’s 30,000 acres.
I don't understand why shooting something in a high fence would be called hunting . Do you need a hunting license and a deer tag to do it ? Is it the fact you have a gun and shoot something that makes you a hunter ? When I was a kid my dad bought 2 cows and raised them for meat . One day he went out and shot one and took it to the butcher , was he cow hunting .

I don’t know if he was a cow hunter, but I have hunted them. This cow was not like shooting the proverbial cow everyone refers to in making the hunting of any game animal appear easy. She had cancer jaw and the rancher wanted her dispatched, so I took a buffalo rifle and some ammunition to do just that.

I can tell you from the standpoint of fair chase, this cow was going to have nothing to do with standing in the field with a mouth full of grass, chewing her cud. She was in a section of forest and burned timber, doing her best to get as far away from me as she could. It wasn’t like shooting a cow...

The majority of the people on here plow deer in open country during the rut. They have zero room for judgement. I have no experience with deer drives but it’s not hard to shoot a deer in open country when they are rutting. Probably much easier than a deer drive.
I am sure your right, I normally am very very careful not to type anything when I am in a bad mood. Yesterday the kids had the wife mad all evening so I got on hunt talk to relax. Guess I was not in a mood to let anything slide. Momma always said in that case its best to shut up! Someday I will learn :)
Good for you, not my cup of tea. I said there were exceptions, and it was my opinion. What do you consider "high fence", and is it hunting?
I never said my definition of high fence was different than yours. By definition it is hunting.
In surprised this thread lasted an entire day.

@appaloosa I do share the same feelings as yourself on the high fenced. Some ranches are so big that you'll never even see the fence. I'm not for dumping some ear tagged bull that's loaded up on creatine and roids over a bucket of rolled oats.

I can not believe there's been an Angus picture shared. Maybe that opens the longhorn door haha.
ewww, you're right, good call out...I should've added a "Governor's Tag Hunt" option. Like this to have it be included in the results!
I would have to say 99 percent of gov tags are all the same shit love em or hate em they generate a shit load of dough.

Let's be honest though who next day airs a gunwerks rifle to dump a 470 bull...... Jimmy's fatass that's who. At least he admitted he's not a hunter in the show.
I don’t know if he was a cow hunter, but I have hunted them. This cow was not like shooting the proverbial cow everyone refers to in making the hunting of any game animal appear easy. She had cancer jaw and the rancher wanted her dispatched, so I took a buffalo rifle and some ammunition to do just that.

I can tell you from the standpoint of fair chase, this cow was going to have nothing to do with standing in the field with a mouth full of grass, chewing her cud. She was in a section of forest and burned timber, doing her best to get as far away from me as she could. It wasn’t like shooting a cow...

View attachment 176982
Omg you took a picture!
You seem to be confused about hunting. I have lived in Montana my whole life and we plow fields and shoot deer.
I'm almost positive he does not mean "plow" the same way you are understanding it. "plow" is not a word I would have used, but he doesn't mean breaking earth with a plow
why is cow elk/doe hunting unethical? meat is meat and divisions of wildlife deem them available for hunting, why is it unethical or unsportsmanlike to harvest the female of the species.

I do try to avoid shooting a cow/doe with fawn but aside from that, meat is meat and it's still a challenge
This will probably be one lots of people dislike, but it's just personal and not something I try to discourage other people from doing, but...

catch and release fishing

On the surface it seems more "ethical" because you're letting the fish live another day, though for me personally it then means that I have essentially tortured (in the amount a fish feels pain and stress) the fish solely for my own pleasure. Maybe I'm weird, but keeping and eating the fish makes my conscience feel more comfortable than catching and releasing in general. Needless to say if there is a legal size required releasing is important at times.

It's not a "cause" for me, but a personal choice.
You forgot to put in a none of the above option.

There are several options listed in which I personally would not participate. Not because I think they are unethical, but because they simply do not interest me.

I do have a question for those who think that hunting an animal only to use its fur is unethical. Do you use the hide off your deer/elk? Why is it acceptable to waste any part of an animal that you kill? Do you use the bones/marrow? Do you eat the internal organs?

I wouldn't kill a deer just for its hide but I will kill it just for its meat. I won't kill a coyote for its meat but I will kill it for its hide. If you think one is acceptable and not the other, Why?
I may be off in left field and forgive me if I am. Does the NM Oryx tag fall in this category or Texas auodad?

What about the majority of New Zealand stags......
The oryx in New Mexico aren't contained with a high fence. Even the White Sands Missile Range just has a regular barb wire fence around it, that's why they have the off range hunts.

I am sure there are aoudad contained within a high fence in Texas, that is true of just about every species you can think of. I know there are lots of free range aoudad in west Texas though.
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This will probably be one lots of people dislike, but it's just personal and not something I try to discourage other people from doing, but...

catch and release fishing

On the surface it seems more "ethical" because you're letting the fish live another day, though for me personally it then means that I have essentially tortured (in the amount a fish feels pain and stress) the fish solely for my own pleasure. Maybe I'm weird, but keeping and eating the fish makes my conscience feel more comfortable than catching and releasing in general. Needless to say if there is a legal size required releasing is important at times.

It's not a "cause" for me, but a personal choice.
I don't have the heart to intentionally kill a fish unless it is a baitfish I'm using as bait. I C&R like a champ and feel zero ways about it.

now I do have a problem with people who throw fish up on the bank to suffocate. at least bonk it on the head to stun it/kill it. I also really hate people who drag their fish across gravel or bank and destroy a fish's slime coat before releasing it.
I don’t know if he was a cow hunter, but I have hunted them. This cow was not like shooting the proverbial cow everyone refers to in making the hunting of any game animal appear easy. She had cancer jaw and the rancher wanted her dispatched, so I took a buffalo rifle and some ammunition to do just that.

I can tell you from the standpoint of fair chase, this cow was going to have nothing to do with standing in the field with a mouth full of grass, chewing her cud. She was in a section of forest and burned timber, doing her best to get as far away from me as she could. It wasn’t like shooting a cow...

View attachment 176982
No wonder you think that FWP does such a good job of managing game. A picture is worth a thousand words.
I don’t know if he was a cow hunter, but I have hunted them. This cow was not like shooting the proverbial cow everyone refers to in making the hunting of any game animal appear easy. She had cancer jaw and the rancher wanted her dispatched, so I took a buffalo rifle and some ammunition to do just that.

I can tell you from the standpoint of fair chase, this cow was going to have nothing to do with standing in the field with a mouth full of grass, chewing her cud. She was in a section of forest and burned timber, doing her best to get as far away from me as she could. It wasn’t like shooting a cow...

View attachment 176982
Fugging hilarious. Took me back to one of my all-time favorite posts. I wish all the pics were still on there.


"No brakes on the tractor"
'trampled the accountant"
"meat is like roast beef"
  • Personal ethical concerns... Depends, but in no way would I ever tell others what to do. If it's legal.

  • 'Target'-based shooting (e.g., prairie dogs, woodchucks) where the game is not utilized
  • Competitive Hunts (e.g., coyote competitions)
  • Species significantly diminished &/or threatened by human activity (rhinos, elephants)
  • There are very good reasons to hunt both rhinos and elephants. For rhinos genetic diversity when an older male is past breeding age and keeps other males from breeding, or kills other males. Elephants when a herd is overpopulated or destructive to farms and homes. My biggest problem with hunting either would be the carbon footprint of flying there.
  • High fence operations I understand the need for high fences in areas where dangerous wildlife lives close to humans. Can't see it in the US, yet.
  • Very long range shooting situations (arbitrarily defined by me as >800 yards) Not an issue, I can't shoot that far.
  • Game where consumption was only fur, no meat harvested (e.g., grizzly for many, most furbearers)
  • Hunts where the game is 'cornered' (e.g., treed mountain lion, raccoon)
  • Broadhead testing with Stay Sharp
  • Female species hunts (cow, doe, ewe, etc)
  • Other (catch and release fishing)
  • Generally I don't judge others. People are welcome to hunt however they want. I wouldn't personally fly to hunt.
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