Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunting with the crowds


New member
Feb 18, 2014
I am going to Wyoming elk unit 21 for archery season.Talked to a couple guys that have been out there two years ago. They said it is like a circus,hunters everywhere. Now I got the cow tag can't change units so Guess I will be out there as part of the crowds.Some hunting pressure can be good but !!!! I will see?
It seems like the crowds usually disperse after opening weekend. A lot of guys don't hunt during the middle of the day either which is the time I have most of my encounters with elk.

Archery season is never crowded anywhere in Wyoming...somebody is feeding you a line of B.S.

If they're seeing crowds, they must not be off the pavement.
When I was told about the crowds,all I could picture was my last Colorado hunt in unit 12. First rifle season there was camps in every spot that was flat enough to park in and the first day of the hunt it looked like an orange army was invading the high country.
I have yet to see another hunter IN the woods in the neighboring unit.Plenty of 4 wheelers running up and down the roads though.Even in rifle not another hunter IN the woods.I thought the year I went back for rifle it would be over run but no one in the woods that I ever ran into and I covered a lot of ground.Again, a lot of trucks/4 wheelers driving back and forth.Its a good hunt and you'll have fun.Stop worrying about hunting pressure and put your time into maps.
Well - if there are not folks crowding up and hunting 21, they will be now???

I would tend to agree with Buzz, plenty of wide open spaces there in Wyoming. Are you worried about the hunting?, or the camping?

Plan to have fun locating elk. Archery season cannot be beat. notes : Remember what Buzz said. Second, crowds dissolve quickly - put in your time, stick around, use maps & hunt hard baby!
When I was told about the crowds,all I could picture was my last Colorado hunt in unit 12. First rifle season there was camps in every spot that was flat enough to park in and the first day of the hunt it looked like an orange army was invading the high country.

I'll be dealing with that this year. I screwed up, and will have to get an OTC tag, and hunt unit 55 (Co). I know it will be a zoo. I'll use the first weekend for some scouting, and hope it lightens up by Mon .

Better than not hunting at all. I hope.
The one trip I did hunt there where lots of hunters. It was an easy draw unit in CO. Public land. Opening week. Hunters everywhere. Everyone camped on same plateau and went up the mountain from there. Teams of horses went in, you name it. I shot my elk 800 feet from camp when everyone else went trucking up the mountain. Like already said, with pressure, the elk go to where the hunters are not. In this case, by everyone's base camps.