Caribou Gear

Hunting with Greeny....

Yep Moosie!!!
It was a decent dinner date...I see you had fun and are biting at the bit to go back and get some more....Greeny...You will need to get some more greese!!! :D
Moosie, so you have found out about old stinky first hand. Hey you can't say I didn't warn you. Did he pull one of his favorite stunts of standing on the upwind side of you while your sitting and glassing. He waits until you are concentrating on glassing for game, stands up, get's his butt about 6" from your face and let's go with a deadly silent one. I really wanted to pass out, but knowing his affinity for butt sex I forced myself to stay awake and keep him at bay with my rifle. Nice to see you to had a pleasant and relaxing stroll through the hills. Trouble with that boy is all his strolls through the hills involve miles in the double digits. The other problem he has is he will go out the very next day and hike just as far if not further. He is sadistic!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-01-2002 10:58: Message edited by: Big Sky ]</font>
Big SKY/..... LOL !!! HAHA !!

NO, he just always farted then stopped like he was gonig to glass a hillside, So I'd stop behind him, And he 'd say "Blew ya a kiss" :rolleyes: HEHE

Looks like Next Sat I'll be afield with ol' stinky again. If hisd wife lets him out to play ;)

'Sky, Need to buy you a beer later this month (Just a little joke on the beer part
), but seriously, I'll drop you a line later this month so we can hook up for a bit !!!!
He's got one other trick that probably won't affect you much because it's still warm enough to roll the window down. However in winter while coyote hunting he likes days that are around -30. From inside the cab Greenhorn knows he has you at his mercy. He will fire them off all day long and you have to decide between freezing to death by rolling down the window or suffering the green mist in the air. Last time he pulled that stunt his mom and wife were in the car with us. His wife was hilarious. She told him he needs to get his ass fixed as there is definitely something broken. Maybe we should start a "Get Greenies Ass Fixed" donation campaign for his wife's sake.

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