Well i took a young lady out for her first hunt of anykind this weekend. My buddy at works 18year old daughter wanted to try hunting turkey and he didnt know anything about it so I of course voluteered just to spend some quality time with a cutie that was out of my leauge even when i was her age...
What a weekend, great weather, a pretty young women and gobblers both days. Friday we got up there around 4pm, went out for a fish fry and took a walk down to the river to put a few birds to bed. Heard about 5 gobbles in the roost so we got up the next day and got to the river and slid across the river in the canoe to set up. Got thing rolling with a huge tom 11"beard that got in and held up at about 60-70 yards. We watched him strut back and forth for 10 minutes and another one come gobbling in below the hill and they both got on a hen and walked out, Shit!! the rest of the day we saw only a couple hens.
Saturday night we roosted a couple about 200 yards out from where I can hunt and was a little bummed that's all we could hear but we made a go at it this morning anyway. The morning was a little breezy and I could hear the toms from the property border but they were up wind and my call didn't reach them. I told Kristen we have a chance they will head our way because of the river. After they got out of the roost it was silent for 10 minutes but when I yelped a bit we heard one let out a gobble below the hill. Sure enough it was headed our way and now it was in call range. I talked a little and it was so classic the way it came in. When I got in sight she whispered she could see it and there he was, and another, and another! the 3 toms came in fast and only one was talking. all were 8 inch beard range (22LBish) and strutting for her. At 30 yard I told her to shoot and she barked one out, the bird flopped a few times and they all took off. I grabbed the gun to make chase but never found anything as I ran down the hill. It sucked but we were all laughing and I was soooo pleased that she just got that opportunity to get that shot. she is hooked and so is dad. He filmed some pretty good footage and it turned out real nice except the shot was missed because of the trees.
All in all a great weekend with great weather. It rained both nights and the days were perfect. here is a few pictures of the turkey hunter (and dad) probably the cutest one in the field that day, even with dirty hair and no makeup...... sweeeeet!!!!!!!! and I got a hug for the efforts.
here she is
and her with Dad
What a weekend, great weather, a pretty young women and gobblers both days. Friday we got up there around 4pm, went out for a fish fry and took a walk down to the river to put a few birds to bed. Heard about 5 gobbles in the roost so we got up the next day and got to the river and slid across the river in the canoe to set up. Got thing rolling with a huge tom 11"beard that got in and held up at about 60-70 yards. We watched him strut back and forth for 10 minutes and another one come gobbling in below the hill and they both got on a hen and walked out, Shit!! the rest of the day we saw only a couple hens.
Saturday night we roosted a couple about 200 yards out from where I can hunt and was a little bummed that's all we could hear but we made a go at it this morning anyway. The morning was a little breezy and I could hear the toms from the property border but they were up wind and my call didn't reach them. I told Kristen we have a chance they will head our way because of the river. After they got out of the roost it was silent for 10 minutes but when I yelped a bit we heard one let out a gobble below the hill. Sure enough it was headed our way and now it was in call range. I talked a little and it was so classic the way it came in. When I got in sight she whispered she could see it and there he was, and another, and another! the 3 toms came in fast and only one was talking. all were 8 inch beard range (22LBish) and strutting for her. At 30 yard I told her to shoot and she barked one out, the bird flopped a few times and they all took off. I grabbed the gun to make chase but never found anything as I ran down the hill. It sucked but we were all laughing and I was soooo pleased that she just got that opportunity to get that shot. she is hooked and so is dad. He filmed some pretty good footage and it turned out real nice except the shot was missed because of the trees.
All in all a great weekend with great weather. It rained both nights and the days were perfect. here is a few pictures of the turkey hunter (and dad) probably the cutest one in the field that day, even with dirty hair and no makeup...... sweeeeet!!!!!!!! and I got a hug for the efforts.
here she is
and her with Dad