Hunting Whitetailed deer with Hounds

Don't know, but welcome to Hunt Talk.
CHF, Just turn it loose and it will pretty much learn on its own. Any sorry o'l hound can run a deer. Some better than others but nearly all of them can. It's best if you can turn him loose with another dog. I have hunted deer my whole life with hounds. In fact our season opens next week...
Look in Full Cry for a finished bear or lion dog that sells for under $1500 or so. I bet that sucker will run the heck out of those whitetails for you. ;) ;)

I know Cabela's has hunting dog training vidios. You could probably do a little surfing and find a lot of stuff on this..I know a few of our local pro shops have lots of training vidios for dogs.... :D
Thanks Cuban but anyone who spends $1500 on an old hound dog is crazy. What happens if he gets stolen/lost? It's not too practical. But I would like to try hunting bears with dogs. Around here we hunt them over bait piles. thanks for the input.
CHF, Sorry for the slow reply. I run running walkers. They are built for speed and endurance. If you don't have alot of roads to head your dogs off on I would suggest a beagle. They want push them near as hard.

I belong to a hunt club but we don't run dogs on our lease. I usually go to the forrest to run my dogs. That way I don't have to worry about cranky land owners. Here is a couple of pictures of some hounds I had in the past.


Definitely no tricks to it CHF. Just take him out and point him at a deer! If he's a hound, HE'LL run it!

I've hunted with every big game breed for all my life and there isn't one better than another. A walker will treat you right, but dont get caught up worrying about a full bred or registered dog. Best ones I've ever seen have been mixes.

Good Luck to ya, and keep the questions coming if you have any.

By the way, we never hunted deer, but the dogs sure ranem a time or two :D

Good looking dogs Boomer, We had a red and white dog that looked just like that one!

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