Hunting Trip Ideas / 40th birthday

Mikes outfitting; Alberta. Get on his cancellation list. Mule deer; whitetail; Elk and moose.
Rosedale Safaris; South Africa. Haven’t checked prices this year but they had a 10 day 10 animal hunt for under 10k. Great people. Owners wife is a Kentucky girl.
Crusader Safaris; South Africa, close to 1million acres of Free range hunting. We were there 2 years ago. Absolutely fantastic hunting. Build your own playlist of species to hunt.
Bit of a scramble to get there this year but I’d check on the cancellations, I’ll hunt with either of them again.
Horseshoe Curve Hunt Club in Oregon. Just outside Pendleton. Primarily a great upland bird operation but they also have really good LOP tags for whitetail and Muledeer and cow elk depredation. You could draw a deer tag, very good odds, and get either a depredation tag or over the counter cow tag and get a little bird hunting in for your budget. Not sure what they have for Bull tags, they did just pick up a big piece of ground.
Good luck, just a few vetted options for you.
Lani or the Big Island, great hunts but I’ve no recent outfitters to recommend. Pheasants on the Big Island are damn near as big as turkeys.
Pope Brothers guide Service Texas; Huge list of exotics to hunt.
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Mountain goat hunt in Alaska. Probably won’t be this year, but who cares? It’ll stretch your budget but if it’s a year or two out, I bet your cool wife will be cool with it. If you really have a $10K budget and end up going to TX, I’m gonna reach through the internet and strangle you, bruh. Oh… and happy 40th.
I bet you'd enjoy a free range auodad hunt about as close as most of us will come to a desert bighorn. Don't be fooled by the stereotype west Texas is some rough country with few high fences or feeders.20230121_163842.jpg
I bet you'd enjoy a free range auodad hunt about as close as most of us will come to a desert bighorn. Don't be fooled by the stereotype west Texas is some rough country with few high fences or feeders.View attachment 324616
My nephew just got back from a West Texas auodad hunt on a 37,000 acre free range ranch. Don't know how much he paid, but he enjoyed the hunt. Pictures he sent me were impressive.
My wife just told me she's trying to plan a hunt for my 40th birthday this year. She is not a hunter herself so she quickly got overwhelmed and had to tell me about it early. Unfortunately, she told me after the application period ended for Colorado and Wyoming where I have points.

She was wanting to schedule a Canada moose hunt but most are booked up already and the few that have openings have very little to no reviews and don't give me a warm fuzzy. We're contemplating ideas but it's kind of late in the season already to start planning so wanted to see what ideas you guys may have. I thought about buying a KY Elk landowner tag but I've successfully hunted elk before and wouldn't mind trying something new if I'm gonna spend that much money. Any ideas?
This is where you talk to a Hunt Booking Consultant. More than likely you are looking for a species that will be one-and-done, but within a budget constraint.
Western Species will be landowner tags in UT, NM,CO, Outfitter allocated tags in ID, MT.

PLM Elk hunts in CA run about $25K, but you could do a PLM Blacktail hunt with an OTC pig tag for 20-30% of that, and watch tule elk throughout the day.

You could get a mountain lion tag OTC in ID (and all the other Rocky Mountain States) to hunt with hounds in the snow on snowmobile. If you are flexible to go when tracking conditions are good your success rate goes up.
How about invasive iguana in South Florida with bows or a pellet gun? That is top of my wife's list for "cool unique hunting experiences"

Huge perk if you wife gets to come along and is a beach/warm vacationer.
How about invasive iguana in South Florida with bows or a pellet gun? That is top of my wife's list for "cool unique hunting experiences"

Huge perk if you wife gets to come along and is a beach/warm vacationer.
I'm literally researching that right now, lol. I think I might go down this summer and hunt them diy.
I suggest that you consider going to Africa...south Africa or Namibia.

Financially, it's the best bang for your buck on the planet. It's a neat hunting experience, and you'll get to hunt a lot of game. And, you can go last minute in certain cases.

Pm me if you want outfitter recs.
Lots of good ideas here. Definitely gonna need to do some more research on some of these.
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