
Hunting Trip Ideas / 40th birthday


Active member
Feb 2, 2016
My wife just told me she's trying to plan a hunt for my 40th birthday this year. She is not a hunter herself so she quickly got overwhelmed and had to tell me about it early. Unfortunately, she told me after the application period ended for Colorado and Wyoming where I have points.

She was wanting to schedule a Canada moose hunt but most are booked up already and the few that have openings have very little to no reviews and don't give me a warm fuzzy. We're contemplating ideas but it's kind of late in the season already to start planning so wanted to see what ideas you guys may have. I thought about buying a KY Elk landowner tag but I've successfully hunted elk before and wouldn't mind trying something new if I'm gonna spend that much money. Any ideas?

Try these folks. They are wonderful people who run an amazing camp and have great employees. They truely provide 100% effort for their clients. Maybe it's late for this year but it would be worth calling and seeing what might be available. I went on an amazing grizzly bear hunt with them.

Matt & Emily Thoft are worth calling to see! Good luck.
You could still go OTC in Colorado for either archery or 2nd/3rd rifle seasons if you really wanted to hunt elk. Might be able to find an outfitter for a drop camp to get a more unique experience.
My wife just told me she's trying to plan a hunt for my 40th birthday this year. She is not a hunter herself so she quickly got overwhelmed and had to tell me about it early. Unfortunately, she told me after the application period ended for Colorado and Wyoming where I have points.

She was wanting to schedule a Canada moose hunt but most are booked up already and the few that have openings have very little to no reviews and don't give me a warm fuzzy. We're contemplating ideas but it's kind of late in the season already to start planning so wanted to see what ideas you guys may have. I thought about buying a KY Elk landowner tag but I've successfully hunted elk before and wouldn't mind trying something new if I'm gonna spend that much money. Any ideas?
Start with giving us a rough budget.

Also, open to pushing your present to next year for the right hunt?
Start with giving us a rough budget.

Also, open to pushing your present to next year for the right hunt?

I'm open but shes pretty insistent she wants it to be this year. I think she feels like she failed at the gift idea if I have to wait since I'm already planning trips in future years. As for budget, I'd probably try to keep it under $10K but could stretch more for the right package.
I'm open but shes pretty insistent she wants it to be this year. I think she feels like she failed at the gift idea if I have to wait since I'm already planning trips in future years. As for budget, I'd probably try to keep it under $10K but could stretch more for the right package.
This year leaves you with otc tags and select tags, like guide allocated.

Any specific animal?
Black tails in Alaska?
Caribou Alaska?
Moose Alaska?
Any of those but Canada
Southern hog hunt
Texas exotic?
Waterfowl or upland dream hunts?
This year leaves you with otc tags and select tags, like guide allocated.

Any specific animal?
Black tails in Alaska?
Caribou Alaska?
Moose Alaska?
Any of those but Canada
Southern hog hunt
Texas exotic?
Waterfowl or upland dream hunts?

Yeah thats kind of what I figured already. Normally when I plan out of state hunts like this I try to start 2-3 years out so definitely behind the curve on planning.

As for animals, moose has been my main target lately. I hunted Newfoundland a couple years ago and never had an opportunity at a bull so came home empty handed. If doing moose again I'd prefer to do something a little more off the beaten path. I've been building points for Mule Deer, Elk, and Antelope in CO and WY but I've already harvested mule deer and elk before so the wife would prefer me do something different with this gift trip. I've been interested in Caribou as well but never done much research into that. I've also thought about Texas Axis deer but only really interested in free range and dont see too many options for that. Not a big upland game hunter although I've done duck, geese, and dove but not something I'd probably travel for. Not opposed to Canada or Alaska but never had a strong desire to do Africa.
I'd look into New Mexico landowner tags - would probably land you around your budget. On another forum, I've seen a few members post with great experiences.
Yeah thats kind of what I figured already. Normally when I plan out of state hunts like this I try to start 2-3 years out so definitely behind the curve on planning.

As for animals, moose has been my main target lately. I hunted Newfoundland a couple years ago and never had an opportunity at a bull so came home empty handed. If doing moose again I'd prefer to do something a little more off the beaten path. I've been building points for Mule Deer, Elk, and Antelope in CO and WY but I've already harvested mule deer and elk before so the wife would prefer me do something different with this gift trip. I've been interested in Caribou as well but never done much research into that. I've also thought about Texas Axis deer but only really interested in free range and dont see too many options for that. Not a big upland game hunter although I've done duck, geese, and dove but not something I'd probably travel for. Not opposed to Canada or Alaska but never had a strong desire to do Africa.
Sounds like moose or caribou otc might be leading for you.

Not sure what you'll have more luck in, Canada or Alaska at this point in the year. Might just have to start calling around to see who could get you in.

One curve ball option. Caribou on adak in Alaska. You could go guided on the Southside of the island or stay in town and try to get as far south as possible with an atv. Might be a decent fall back option
Sounds like moose or caribou otc might be leading for you.

Not sure what you'll have more luck in, Canada or Alaska at this point in the year. Might just have to start calling around to see who could get you in.

One curve ball option. Caribou on adak in Alaska. You could go guided on the Southside of the island or stay in town and try to get as far south as possible with an atv. Might be a decent fall back option

Thanks, I'll take a look at that as well
My wife just told me she's trying to plan a hunt for my 40th birthday this year. She is not a hunter herself so she quickly got overwhelmed and had to tell me about it early. Unfortunately, she told me after the application period ended for Colorado and Wyoming where I have points.

She was wanting to schedule a Canada moose hunt but most are booked up already and the few that have openings have very little to no reviews and don't give me a warm fuzzy. We're contemplating ideas but it's kind of late in the season already to start planning so wanted to see what ideas you guys may have. I thought about buying a KY Elk landowner tag but I've successfully hunted elk before and wouldn't mind trying something new if I'm gonna spend that much money.
Thanks, I'll take a look at that as well
I can’t believe no one has mentioned Hawaii. Mouflon on Lanai would be my choice. Bring the wife. Win win.
Look up Crosshair consulting. Wade can put you with a very affordable outfitter, pending what species you want to hunt.
Any interest in pronghorn? Personally at that budget I'd be looking at NM landowner tags or a free range auodad or axis hunt in TX. I'll shoot you a pm about a free range TX ranch that has both.
Mountain goat hunt in Alaska. Probably won’t be this year, but who cares? It’ll stretch your budget but if it’s a year or two out, I bet your cool wife will be cool with it. If you really have a $10K budget and end up going to TX, I’m gonna reach through the internet and strangle you, bruh. Oh… and happy 40th.
I would recommend a bird hunt at a nice club with a lodge, add some clay shooting too. You’ll eat and drink well, go out in the morning for some birds, come back and eat, go shoot some clays, then come back and eat dinner and play cards and drink.
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