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Hunting Scents

John K

New member
Sep 21, 2003
I need a little help. Does anyone have any good ideas on controlling the odor of your breath, other then not eating things with odors. Any good tips on toothpastes, mouthwashes or chewing gum?
I keep my teeth brushed every few hours and you could also use mouth wash... If it is really bad, I would talk to a dentist... :eek:
If I were you, I would get me a big bottle of elk urine with the spray top. That way it is easy to just spray a few squirts into your mouth as you are walking. Swish it around real good and then spit it out. As you are hiking and begin to breath heavy, your breath becomes one with nature and it is time to keep your eyes peeled. You won't have to worry about how bad your breath is with this method. As the taste wears off, just take it out and do a few more squirts.
:D :D :D ROFLMAO!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! That is a very new aproach Bil....He may want to use deer urin though, he is using it for deer... HAHAHAHA!!!! now that would make your mouth taste good, especially the next morning when you wake up... :eek: :D :D :D
If you're serious and are having a problem, even when following common oral hygiene, go see a doctor. Seriously bad breath can be indicative of other problems..

John, keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose while on stand.......problem solved.

Anything else?.....
Stay away from onions and garlic during the season. Not only does it make your breath smell you sweat it out. Spearmint gum works for some guys. it is somewhat a natural smell in some parts of the woods. I also have a little trick i do. I have bad sweaty feet so i rub some ati-persperant on them in the morning when i do my pits.
Stay away from meat a week or so before the hunt.So you dont smell like a preadator.
Brush with baking soada not, the mint tooth past just plain old baking soada.Mint isnt natural in most hunting places.
Like was mentiond dont open your mouth.
If this dosen't work,then try the Elk urin.Or you could try the skunk urin at least it will be a natural smell.
If your close enough that they can smell your breath you want to pull the trigger.

Celery is a natural cleanser for the mouth.
Stay away from meat a week or so before the hunt.
Screw that, you tryin' to kill me? ;) Actually I have heard this before, but it doesn't hold water in my opinion.
The one year I shot two deer with my bow, I smelled like accorns and accorns dropped during archery season that year. Use a scent that smells like food to the animals.

Use nonscented toothpaste for sure.

I've heard a lot of breath scent comes from the back of the tongue. You can use a toothbrush back there and remove a lot of stuff. They sell tongue scrapers for it too.
Some are plastic, some are metal, some have corn in them, some have protein pellets in them. Some of the corn is apple scented. Accorns only drop during archery in part of the state. They usually mess up the feeders except for young deer (because corn is like candy) and because accorns are everywhere. Do you do any scent control stuff?
Originally posted by mtmiller:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Stay away from meat a week or so before the hunt.
Screw that, you tryin' to kill me? ;) Actually I have heard this before, but it doesn't hold water in my opinion. </font>[/QUOTE]You could try the ELK URIN Talk about AINISHALITOSIS :eek: :eek: :eek:
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