Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hunting Partner? DIY Wyoming 2021

I'm pretty sure my first western hunt will be solo. I've told my buddies and family I'm going and they can apply and come too, but so far I haven't had any takers. And I'm completely fine with it.

I’m bringing my friend to Montana who has never hunted in his life and has no interest in hunting, but I mentioned an elk hunt and he said he would come and hold the binoculars.

Should be interesting
I have invited several internet friends to join me on my hunts to Hawaii, New Zealand, Alaska, and Colorado.
Most times I have outfitted them with backpacking gear because I have plenty of it.
It's hard to find guys who can take off for 10, 14, 21 days. Offering to loan the gear opens more doors to me.
I have made good friendships with some and we are compatible hunting partners. Others clashed with hunting styles, personalities, phobias, and wanting to change plans upon arrival.
It's a gambel.
I'm pretty sure my first western hunt will be solo. I've told my buddies and family I'm going and they can apply and come too, but so far I haven't had any takers. And I'm completely fine with it.
Did you end up doing a western hunt? I am looking to do an elk hunt in either MT or WY this fall, and am looking for a partner. I see you're in WI. I am in MN.
I have invited several internet friends to join me on my hunts to Hawaii, New Zealand, Alaska, and Colorado.
Most times I have outfitted them with backpacking gear because I have plenty of it.
It's hard to find guys who can take off for 10, 14, 21 days. Offering to loan the gear opens more doors to me.
I have made good friendships with some and we are compatible hunting partners. Others clashed with hunting styles, personalities, phobias, and wanting to change plans upon arrival.
It's a gambel.
Do you need any new "internet friends"? I am looking for hunting opportunities out west, primarily for elk. But, Alaska has always interested me for fishing.
Do you need any new "internet friends"? I am looking for hunting opportunities out west, primarily for elk. But, Alaska has always interested me for fishing.
I'm not an elkaholic and I don't fish.
Alaska OTC big game and waterfowl is where my interest are.