Hunting On Sunday

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
Has Anybody heard or some east coast states having a rule that you can not hunt on Sundays?? WH and I were talking about that and we were wondering if this is a myth or not. Thanks

I live in one of the relics of the 1600s...Assachussetts, The Bay oops,The Gay State
I also borderhop to CT other fine antiquity!
While I feel sorry for the weekend warriors, I'd gladly sign a release to NEVER ask for Sunday hunting if the legislature would pass into law the land usage equality act I've proposed(along with others). All it simply states is if you use, you help pay for it. It meaning ALL STATE owned, leased, and inherited property. If you walk, bike, hike, camp, climb, swim, ATV, snowmobile, birdwatch, turtlewatch, lizardwatch(yes we have them!!), or breath on State Property you would be required to have a Sportmen's license. Estimated revenues would cover land purchases of over $6mil per year, triple law enforcment, eliminate endangered species, and cause legislators to rethink the lottery as the greatest winfall!!

They have a land usage fee here for the state, it was $10 bucks, I think now it is just added into the licence fee. I don't think it ended up being the panacea that the state hoped, but I suppose every bit helps. Of course there are a lot more people out there that would need to buy this since we have so much Fed lands, you only need one if you are going to be playing on state lands and that really isn't enforced...
Elkchsr said, "you only need one if you are going to be playing on state lands and that really isn't enforced..."

Thats BS, it is enforced, and lots of tickets are written each year for it. You are correct though, the state lands use fee is rolled into the conservation license.

Also, it wasnt the State of Montana that forced the state lands use permit.

Prior to the mid-80's if a welfare rancher had a lease on state lands, they could post it and legally keep everyone off STATE LAND. A sportsmans coalition out of Butte Montana, led by Jack Atcheson, sued the state and welfare ranchers over it...and won.

The welfare ranchers, being pissed off over the lawsuit, and even more pissed off that they lost, petitioned the state to charge sportsmen an access fee for recreating on state lands. Their (welfare ranchers) arguement was, "if we pay to graze and make a profit from state lands, recreationists need to pay to "use" state lands too". The State of Montana decided not to fight the welfare ranchers and started charging a minimal fee to recreate on State lands. Again, it was just a way to appease the cry-baby, whiny, welfare ranchers.

My take is that recreating on state land and profiting from state land are two different things. However, I had no problem paying the fee, as it opened up a lot of PUBLIC LAND, even though that land should never have been off limits to start with.

Once again, this proves how much the typical welfare rancher really cares about sportsmen. They'll take with both hands and gaff sportsmen in the back...without even a moments hesitation.

Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Now that you have your rant done. It was a touch more complicated then you stated but the facts are fairly correct regarding access to state lands.

I know that you do not want to be caught on state land W/O paying the fee.

The same situation used to exist in CO...ranchers leased the state land and could post it. It's gotten a little better here, but not much. Now the DOW uses license dollars to lease access to some properties. The public can only use the properties for hunting and fishing. Properties can only be considered for lease by the DOW when the existing grazing lease has expired, so that the welfare rancher knows what he's bidding on the next time around. The real problem is the State Land Board. They have the say in which properties they are willing to lease to the DOW. The Land Board is very rancher-friendly, so ranchers with any kind of clout can often come up with some "good" reason that public hunting shouldn't be permitted. The real rub is that many of these guys make the majority of their income from the property by selling hunting access.

I forgot to mention....the OTHER proposal I suggested was shot down also. That one was just as simple. All property purchased through sportmen's license fees be CLOSED to ALL traffic on Sunday. Seeing as how hunters paid for the land, they should NOT be the only one's ineligible to use it on Sundays!!

Not sure what this has to do with hunting on Sunday, but it's a good topic...

Here in Washington, the state's school trust lands are leased out to ranchers/farmers and they are not allowed to post it unless they have a good reason and get special approval from the DNR. The lands are open to anybody for any kind of recreation, although I think many people don't know this. To hunt these lands you really do need to be proficient with a map and compass/gps, because of course there is nothing marking the property lines between private and state.

Just posting the facts, but if I'm in error on anything I posted you can correct me, or feel free to add your take.

I spent some money and helped Atcheson and crew with the lawsuit. Its been almost 15 years, but I usually have a pretty good memory.

I also recall a very vocal bunch of welfare ranchers out of the Harlowton/Martinsdale area are the ones that did most of the crying about sportsmen being able to ACCESS PUBLIC LANDS. In fact, the ranch I antelope hunted for many years, in area 570, closed their lands in protest to the court decision. Real champions of hunting, sportsmen, and public access to public lands. You'd think you were stripping them of private property rights! I dont, and wont, ever think that having access to my PUBLIC LANDS is anything but an absolute right. I'm respectful of their private property rights and access, all I ask is the same respect in regard to Public Lands...simple as that.
Not disputing the facts as you presented. I guess you just sounded grumpier then usual. I remember the State lands access issue and agree that they should be open to the public.

I am too lazy to look it up, but didn't it used to be a voluntary $10 fee. Now I believe it is only $2 and included in the conservation license.

So what happens if you are recreating on State land outside of the hunting season? If you are hunting it is two bucks, but if you are hiking it is ????$'s

I have never heard of anyone being sited and although I have been checked several times, I have not been checked for my State access permit.

Back on topic, no hunting on Sundays in SK.
Friday, May 28, 2004
Reminder - A State Lands Permit Is Needed on State Lands

It is easier than ever to get the Montana State Lands permit required for hunting and angling on state lands. A $2 state lands access fee is now included in the $6.25 price of the conservation license, replacing the $10 state lands recreational use license for hunting, fishing and trapping activities on state lands.

Others planning to hike, watch birds and wildlife or otherwise recreate on state lands are still required to purchase the $10 state lands recreational use license.
web page

I only stated as I usually do, from what I have seen. As with what Craig said, I have been checked twice in the last six years... That little peice of paper they used to give wasn't on the want list the warden was looking for. The one time I was on state land out in the Big Hole. He was only interested in my tags and licence. I would imagine that wardens sit in some places and nail lots of people. I haven't seen it, nor have I heard of any one gettin nailed on that violation..
I am very sorry I riled your wagon today Buzz, it wasn't meant to and I must also apologize that we all arn't perfect....
I guess so, and I wasn't even trying. That's OK, they need a scape goat any way, all their guy's are losing, their environmental policy is falling apart and the SI section is pushing out a ton if info and no one is calling names to make it happen....
They are just getting frustrated. Some people have to have dark clouds and strife in their lives or nothing is right with them...
Sad really...

The problem with posting shit "from what you've seen" is that could get people in trouble.

Using your logic, since I havent been checked for a hunting or fishing license in the last ten years in AZ, MT, WY, CO, WI, AK, British Columbia...I guess maybe I should just quit buying them.

From what I've seen in the last ten years, having a hunting/fishing license isnt enforced anyway.

If you recreate on state lands in Montana you need a permit, and it is enforced, despite what "you've seen".

What a great defense for a ticket, "you see your honor, there's this guy named Elkcheese who lives in Anaconda, from what he's seen..." :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
:D :D :D No, I never told any one not to purchase any thing and I was fully leagle, where you going with this any way? If some one wants to take it that way, that is on them not me, lets use a little common sense here. I will say I am very sorry that I don't fit into your little mold of others, I'm actually glad I don't. :D :D :D

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