Hunting near El Paso, TX

Small game is always a good way to get started, rabbits and hares should be ready soon. Once the first freeze hits, just head out into the desert north of red sands. Javelina are out there as well. Learn the habitat and go from there. The best way is to get out there and explore. If there are people out there shooting, go the opposite direction. Some real dumbshits out there at times. There' a road that goes from the red sands area all the way out to horizon. Some decent roads and a couple that go into the canyons. Always take a sidearm, be aware, sometimes people abandon dogs out there and some are mean.....further away from people you go, the better. Learn the javelina's favorite food and find it. They'll be there. You can also practice calling them. Mule deer are out there from time to time, I don't like shooting them because they are a bit rare in that area and i'd like for the herd to continue. It's not been the best years for them with all this drought. If you see an oryx, count yourself lucky. They do wander this far south from time to time.
Thanks, is their anyone on here that would like to go with me?
Small game is always a good way to get started, rabbits and hares should be ready soon. Once the first freeze hits, just head out into the desert north of red sands. Javelina are out there as well. Learn the habitat and go from there. The best way is to get out there and explore. If there are people out there shooting, go the opposite direction. Some real dumbshits out there at times. There' a road that goes from the red sands area all the way out to horizon. Some decent roads and a couple that go into the canyons. Always take a sidearm, be aware, sometimes people abandon dogs out there and some are mean.....further away from people you go, the better. Learn the javelina's favorite food and find it. They'll be there. You can also practice calling them. Mule deer are out there from time to time, I don't like shooting them because they are a bit rare in that area and i'd like for the herd to continue. It's not been the best years for them with all this drought. If you see an oryx, count yourself lucky. They do wander this far south from time to time.
is their anyone here that would like to go?

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