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"Hunting" behind the high fence?

Cathunt-MT... I AGREE TOTALLY !!!! I would love to hunt Exotics were they origionally camre from.. Thats Why I went to TEXAS... To hunt Texas DAHL :D:D:D But I can go 2 hours from here to shoot a Russian boar, But We decided to GO to California (Which is LIKE another country) to Hunt them. I also Went to Texas to wack some critters.. I did However go to New zealand to Kill a Chamois


ANd SPANK a Tahr....


I would travel to Different places to Kill whatever I could.. But I am NOT a rich man so I hunt what I can Afford.. I would, However NOT kill a ORYX in Texas for 4k.. I could wack one at that in Africa.. Therefore... I will go there to Get one.... It's a TIme/$$$ senario....

I haven't been to too many places yet, But I will in the future....And I think Hunting Whatever WERE-EVER is What ya make it.... It is just as Fun to Kill a California Bighorn in Idaho as it is in California :D I make ALL my trips FUn.... If ya ever hunt with me you would see that.....

PS.. YA hunt Elk, Mulies and Bear probabaly.... Fill me in were they came from.. And do you hunt them there .... Or do you hunt them in Montanna,..... And..... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> There ball park, kinda like homefield advat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ;)
Most definetly NOT !!!!!!! DIDn't ya know that in 1823 a Space ship landed from Planet anihooma and Planted them here.... That is WELL known documented History ;) :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :D :D

Just funning with ya..... Geese You need to Go on a CANNED hunt or something to LIGHTEN UP !!!!!!!
Moosie Dont get me wrong I dont think there is anything wrong with hunting behind fences, If thats what people want to do then that is their choice. I think alot of people think that overseas hunts are out of their price range but they are not that bad. But I would rather go see other parts of the world and hunt, than hunt other parts of the world in the states. But that is just me. Dont take this wrong :D :D ;)
OK I'm not taking any of this Personal BUD, You know I';m thick skinned. If I like it I do it.. Just like I care less what PETA says. Nothing personal here either. we all have opinions.

But I would like to ask ya a question. What country would you personally go to and Hunt what ANIMAL if you had the choise ?

ANd would you never go on a ..lets say HOG hunt in California, texas or florida ? And if not.. WHY exactly...
There are two animals I would love to go hunt. First Brown Bear after going with my dad I would love to do it agin. And next Cape buffalo, I Know.... I Know.... It will more than likeley be on a farm but that is their count. Anythig in Africa would be great. And yes I am looking to go hunt pigs with a buddy who lives in Tex. On land that he owns. No high fences!!!

Cathunt :D
So those "PIGS" your hunting..... ARE they

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do you think that it was as fun to shoot the exotics in the states rather than going to the country that they came from. I think half of the hunting trip is the area I would love to see the rest of the world and to hunt it would be great. Hunting them were they came frome I think it would be more of a chalange <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

:confused: :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: :confused:

HEhe.. PS.. E-mail Coming your WAY !!
So is it the FENCES or the travel ?!?!?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> And yes I am looking to go hunt pigs with a buddy who lives in Tex. On land that he owns. No high fences!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> No high fences!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


You said you would wack hog on your buddies place becasue It desn't have "NO HIGH FENCES".... Yet you also said that you would only want to hunt them in their "PLACE OF ORIGIN" to make it fair..... Does that meen that a fence makes it unfair ?

If so, how many acres does it have to be to be FAIR? and isn't useing a GUN being unfair? also Baiting a HOOK for fishing .. Is that fair? Baiting for bear? FAIR? Buggleing or cow calling in an elk that is horney... FAIR ?~?~? Using a fast compound.. FAIR? Shooting a recurve ..yet a thunderhead 100 grain machined head... FAIR? GPS.....Range finder..... ?~?~?~ Scent lock....... Boots that are supported..insulated...and waterproof......

Would ANYTHING but a loin cloth and a stick....BE FAIR ?????

Fill me in some more JASON :D:D Because a hunt is what you make it.... If you don't ever want to hunt a high fence... THATS OK.... But some hunts can be just as hard...... AND just as fun !!!!!!

(PS thanx forthe E-mail) I'll let you know when I go :D !!
Are you talking hunting, or "trolling" Moosie? I mean the loincloth and a stick thing might work in Poke-A-Fellow or Hollywierd, but I don't think it would fly in Texas!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Moosie Dont get me wrong I dont think there is anything wrong with hunting behind fences <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

:D :D ;) Did you get it that time!!!

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