Grand poopa
I have posted that I like to Hunt BEar.... I really do. I have yet to Take a big bear but have taken 3 in Idaho. ONe every year for the last 3 years.... I wrote this Out and Am edditing it but Wanted to post it again to Get The Rest of you Bear hunters Fired up... This Is What I do In Idaho. I am going to hunt Unit 39 and 34 this year. Anyone Else hunting in IDAHO??
As of Any Game, The First thing to Hunting bear is there must be some in that location. We've gotten pretty good at knowing were bear are. Not like it's hard here, because Bear are everywere!!! If there isn't any in the Area then You are wasting your time. A good Way to find out is Look for random Overturned rocks, broken rotten logs and of course bear droppings (SCAT). Scat can look different at different times of the year but basically looks like Human Fesis but usually bigger and if there diet has a bunch of grass/berries then it could be more of a "pile". Bear Scat around our Bait is Usually BLACK. MAybe we feed them weird stuff HUH?!?!?
That being said And you know Bear are in the AREA, I would also check out a couple of other things. There are rules in Idaho that state you have to be certain distances from roads and water and Have to use a ground pit or a 55 Gal drum chained to a tree. MAke Sure you Follow All rules. Idaho Change some this Year and HAve in the LAst couple of years so I wil have to Refresh Myself and Get All caught Back up AGAIN!!! But it's well worth it.
I talked to JB Florida this Year and He is going to let me borrow a Camera to track the bear coming in. I will be posting alot of pictures here hopefully and this season I hope to get my first bear with a bow.
Here is the first bear I ever got '98.
We like to Bait Downhill from the road. Here's why. I only have to Carry ONE or TWO bears out from the bait site but have to bring in thousands of pounds of bait during the Season. I hoof it all on my own and don't use horses or 4-wheelers so that's my "DOWNHILL" theory. Also it is Easier to approach a bait site from the Top incase a bear happens to be already on that site. We have had bear slip in early and us SPOOK them off the site.
NOW, I look for thick places. Bears feel more comfortable if they can approach the bait site under "cover". You should be in an area that has plenty of cover yet able to see far enough to see a bear coming it. We found a Spot not to far from the road but it is in thicker area and it works well!!
Are you Going to hunt w/ a bow or gun, Are you planning to dig a pit or use a tree stand? Are you going to try to Spot and stalk or use bait. Are you going to run them with dogs?!?!!? Personally I like to BAIT. I would use Hounds But I don't have any so I use bait.
We have in the Past used Stands and Ground blinds. This year will be a stand w/ the Bow. I have taken my 3 bears in the last 3 years w/ a rifle and I think it's time for the Bow.
Here is Me in a STAND GOOFIN' :
Bait.....Is another key. There are several ways to do this. We use Barrels. We cut the lids off for an opening and Use hinges to put them back on. Then we have chains holding the Lids so they only open part way. I have promised to Post pictures of the Barrels and I will this year for sure
. I had promised that earlier but have been busy . We have used cheese and bread in the past. There was a cheese factory that we got cheese from but it has since closed down. We have also used cheap dog food. As you get rid of your elk/deer meat from the freezer this year replace the Space w/ old food scraps and old vegetables. Ahhh Which reminds me THE BEST BY use in the spring is APPLES!!!! The bear kind of need to "WAKE UP" their system after the long winter "NAP". They eat slowly at first. Apples, we have found, are the best for the bears to get their system going and is Easy on their stomach. After they start hanging around, They eat anything...except jalepeno, but that is another story
. I will be heading down to the Orchards In two weeks to Fil my truck with Apples....
Here is my 2nd BEar I got :
OK, What haven't I talked about?!?!?! OH Yahh Size...They say that Ears are truly one of the best ways to judge. I like to look at size of body and hoe they move. If he waddles or looks like he is rolling almost when you see him, you can bet he is a shooter. Also a big bear will look rounder in the body rather than sleek like a younger one! If I was hunting over bait, I would get a bench mark of the height on a tree of close to the bait site to use as a "benchmark". Put up a piece of cloth or something else next to the Barrel for Size judgement.
Be forwarned...Little Bears tend to come to the Bait site first. They try to get in before the bigger bears do. I had a buddy shoot a yearling bear last year w/ his bow. When he brought it into fish and game there was 7 bear brought in that day. 6 of the 7 were yearling bear. Nothing wrong w/ bear management but if you are indeed looking for one to mount be careful. It takes a lot of practice. Bears ground shrink faster that any other species I know. I actually know 3 Guys getting SMALL bear last year. Only one said they knew it was a Small bear. I have had the experience that Big bear will come into the site a little closer to dark.
The time of year in the Spring that we bait it gets dark around 9:10 PM. We are usually at out sites at about 6-6:30 and dumping goodies. Lemme tell you It is hard to sit in a friggin tree stand for 2 hours....(At least for this Western boy). I will have more Ground Blinds this Year I think. We'll see though. Anyways. The earliest we've taken a bear I think Was like 8:25 PM. But we've seen bear in the bait as early as...7:00 PM I think.
Here is a Bear I spot/stalked last year:
This year We will have several sites and I strongly recommend this for you too. We have had up to 3 barrels to start then usually only keep one after the first 2 weeks. This year will be different I think!!! Anyways. If you are looking for a good spot and think you've found one, Dump some bait. Check it often and maintain it. If you have someone, baiting in the Next canyon or two and They maintain their site....Well need I say more?!?! Maintaining brings me to my next point....SCENT!!
I think Scent plays NO roll if you do it right. We Dump our sent ALL over the site and do so all the time. We constantly Pee, hang sweaty shirts, Or whatever to leave or scent...Heres' why : If there is NO scent around, and One day you are sitting on the stand and the wind isn't just right or anything. and the bear smells you, and lemme tell you he will!!!! Bears can Smell for Miles in the field, You think you can Hide your scent from them, Think again BUDDY!!! Bears can Smell for MILES. I really Believe that!! If the Scent is ALWAYS there, the bear will eventually come ion late at night to check it out then start feeling more comfortable and Bombard it during the "WITCHING'" hours, Which is the last 2 hours of the day. So that's my Story and I'm sticking to it.....
I came across a Fish BAit GEL called "SMELLY JELLEY" and am going to use that this year to Sent up the Place. There are different types but I think It ALL stinks!!!! Which is What you Need when You huntbear.
We also Do a Honey burn. We put about 1/2" honey in the bottom of a Old soup can and Put it on a Bunsen burner and Cook it slowly.. That sent smells the Air up real good. I will take some Pictures Of That on our hunt also!!!!!
Well...... Enuf typing for Me. Wait for some pics and Constant updates After APRIL 15TH!!! Thats when The season Opens up... And Lemme tall ya I CAN't WAIT!!!!!!!!
Any one else excited ?!?!!?!?
<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
As of Any Game, The First thing to Hunting bear is there must be some in that location. We've gotten pretty good at knowing were bear are. Not like it's hard here, because Bear are everywere!!! If there isn't any in the Area then You are wasting your time. A good Way to find out is Look for random Overturned rocks, broken rotten logs and of course bear droppings (SCAT). Scat can look different at different times of the year but basically looks like Human Fesis but usually bigger and if there diet has a bunch of grass/berries then it could be more of a "pile". Bear Scat around our Bait is Usually BLACK. MAybe we feed them weird stuff HUH?!?!?

That being said And you know Bear are in the AREA, I would also check out a couple of other things. There are rules in Idaho that state you have to be certain distances from roads and water and Have to use a ground pit or a 55 Gal drum chained to a tree. MAke Sure you Follow All rules. Idaho Change some this Year and HAve in the LAst couple of years so I wil have to Refresh Myself and Get All caught Back up AGAIN!!! But it's well worth it.
I talked to JB Florida this Year and He is going to let me borrow a Camera to track the bear coming in. I will be posting alot of pictures here hopefully and this season I hope to get my first bear with a bow.
Here is the first bear I ever got '98.

We like to Bait Downhill from the road. Here's why. I only have to Carry ONE or TWO bears out from the bait site but have to bring in thousands of pounds of bait during the Season. I hoof it all on my own and don't use horses or 4-wheelers so that's my "DOWNHILL" theory. Also it is Easier to approach a bait site from the Top incase a bear happens to be already on that site. We have had bear slip in early and us SPOOK them off the site.
NOW, I look for thick places. Bears feel more comfortable if they can approach the bait site under "cover". You should be in an area that has plenty of cover yet able to see far enough to see a bear coming it. We found a Spot not to far from the road but it is in thicker area and it works well!!
Are you Going to hunt w/ a bow or gun, Are you planning to dig a pit or use a tree stand? Are you going to try to Spot and stalk or use bait. Are you going to run them with dogs?!?!!? Personally I like to BAIT. I would use Hounds But I don't have any so I use bait.
We have in the Past used Stands and Ground blinds. This year will be a stand w/ the Bow. I have taken my 3 bears in the last 3 years w/ a rifle and I think it's time for the Bow.
Here is Me in a STAND GOOFIN' :

Bait.....Is another key. There are several ways to do this. We use Barrels. We cut the lids off for an opening and Use hinges to put them back on. Then we have chains holding the Lids so they only open part way. I have promised to Post pictures of the Barrels and I will this year for sure

Here is my 2nd BEar I got :

OK, What haven't I talked about?!?!?! OH Yahh Size...They say that Ears are truly one of the best ways to judge. I like to look at size of body and hoe they move. If he waddles or looks like he is rolling almost when you see him, you can bet he is a shooter. Also a big bear will look rounder in the body rather than sleek like a younger one! If I was hunting over bait, I would get a bench mark of the height on a tree of close to the bait site to use as a "benchmark". Put up a piece of cloth or something else next to the Barrel for Size judgement.
Be forwarned...Little Bears tend to come to the Bait site first. They try to get in before the bigger bears do. I had a buddy shoot a yearling bear last year w/ his bow. When he brought it into fish and game there was 7 bear brought in that day. 6 of the 7 were yearling bear. Nothing wrong w/ bear management but if you are indeed looking for one to mount be careful. It takes a lot of practice. Bears ground shrink faster that any other species I know. I actually know 3 Guys getting SMALL bear last year. Only one said they knew it was a Small bear. I have had the experience that Big bear will come into the site a little closer to dark.
The time of year in the Spring that we bait it gets dark around 9:10 PM. We are usually at out sites at about 6-6:30 and dumping goodies. Lemme tell you It is hard to sit in a friggin tree stand for 2 hours....(At least for this Western boy). I will have more Ground Blinds this Year I think. We'll see though. Anyways. The earliest we've taken a bear I think Was like 8:25 PM. But we've seen bear in the bait as early as...7:00 PM I think.
Here is a Bear I spot/stalked last year:

This year We will have several sites and I strongly recommend this for you too. We have had up to 3 barrels to start then usually only keep one after the first 2 weeks. This year will be different I think!!! Anyways. If you are looking for a good spot and think you've found one, Dump some bait. Check it often and maintain it. If you have someone, baiting in the Next canyon or two and They maintain their site....Well need I say more?!?! Maintaining brings me to my next point....SCENT!!
I think Scent plays NO roll if you do it right. We Dump our sent ALL over the site and do so all the time. We constantly Pee, hang sweaty shirts, Or whatever to leave or scent...Heres' why : If there is NO scent around, and One day you are sitting on the stand and the wind isn't just right or anything. and the bear smells you, and lemme tell you he will!!!! Bears can Smell for Miles in the field, You think you can Hide your scent from them, Think again BUDDY!!! Bears can Smell for MILES. I really Believe that!! If the Scent is ALWAYS there, the bear will eventually come ion late at night to check it out then start feeling more comfortable and Bombard it during the "WITCHING'" hours, Which is the last 2 hours of the day. So that's my Story and I'm sticking to it.....
I came across a Fish BAit GEL called "SMELLY JELLEY" and am going to use that this year to Sent up the Place. There are different types but I think It ALL stinks!!!! Which is What you Need when You huntbear.
We also Do a Honey burn. We put about 1/2" honey in the bottom of a Old soup can and Put it on a Bunsen burner and Cook it slowly.. That sent smells the Air up real good. I will take some Pictures Of That on our hunt also!!!!!
Well...... Enuf typing for Me. Wait for some pics and Constant updates After APRIL 15TH!!! Thats when The season Opens up... And Lemme tall ya I CAN't WAIT!!!!!!!!
Any one else excited ?!?!!?!?
<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
