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Hunting Bambi


New member
Dec 15, 2000
Frederick, CO
I don't make this stuff up - I just report it. That being said, how's about a Huntalk
contest with the winner going on this hunt.
(tongue planted firmly in cheek)

Vegas 'Game' Has Men Hunting Nude Women

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

NEW YORK — A new Las Vegas game gets thrill-seekers out of the casinos and into the great wide open — to shoot naked women with paintball guns.

In "Hunting for Bambi," men pay $10,000 each for the challenge of tracking the women, who are nude except for sneakers, and trying to blast them with colored paint.

"You can actually hunt one of our Bambi [expletive] and shoot her with paintballs," Mike Burdick, who runs the game and the site for Real Men Outdoor Productions, says on his Web site,

According to the site, the hunters also have the option of mounting their prey when they're done — and having sex with the women.

Despite criticism that the game is sick and barbaric, Burdick said it was all in fun and caters to both male and female fantasies.

"The majority of women have a deep-seated fantasy of that bad-boy image, to be sought after by a stranger," he told Fox News, adding that the women get paid $1,000 to participate in the game — and $2,500 if they avoid getting hit.

Women's groups and legal experts are, not surprisingly, up in arms over the cruel game.

"I couldn't quite believe it. [The site] advertised this as really hurting people," said legal expert Susan Estrich on Fox News. "[They're] violating about 20 criminal laws, including assault."

The National Organization for Women has also spoken out against the game.

"It's appalling, and it's really frightening," Rita Haley, president of NOW's New York City chapter, told the New York Post. "It says something about the men who want to play this game and something about the financial climate that drives women to participate. The big fear is that somebody who plays will eventually want to use real bullets."

But at least one woman who has participated as a target in "Bambi" said people are over-reacting.

"We're not getting hurt that bad," Taylor, who didn't give a last name, told Fox News. "[The paintballs] don't hurt as bad as everyone says they do. It's about as bad as getting slugged in the arm."
Thanks for the link , but -

"This is not a public server. Go away."
I had recieved this in an Email earlier...

It was a cool site. NOW it's locked up, I'm guessing lawsuits are pending ?
Private hunt includes:
· Round Trip Airfare for hunter
· Lodging for hunter (3 Days 4 Nights)
· Meals for hunter
· The Hunt
· Video of the Hunt
· Mount (Video wall image)

Price: $10,000.00 U.S.
Deposit: $2,500.00 U.S. ** NON- REFUNDABLE**

Here is one of the Bimbos Wall Mounted

I read the first part of this post and was huanted from our last vegas trip.

The website is back up and running I just checked it out.....

I guess those guys are serious I thought it was a joke.. thats some fuuny shhit but kinda weird...

So thats what they call them now "paintballguns" how do we get to shoot different colors is there a pill that someone developed?

I've always been more interested in the size of the horns rather than symetry.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-18-2003 18:04: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
This is what I get for tryin to help out a partner!!
A black eye about takin one for the team.

I am ready for another hunt anyway, so what the heck, and Vegas sounds like a cool place to do it
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