Kenetrek Boots

Hunting Access to Public land blocked!!!

"trophies" publicly displayed thru town and down the road
"trophies" in/on rigs parked at the local bar/cafe
hunting during the rut
shooting them as they come from refuges, NPS, etc
goose hunting
those poor little doves
using 300 ultra mags
bear baiting
chasing bears and cats w/ hounds
selling parts of them
auctioning "governor's tags"

There's got to be more
Lostagain, don't forget the chronically un-ambitious crowd of hunters who, rather than getting out to enjoy hunting, would rather sit around and bad-mouth, trash-talk, start dirty-lie rumors about hunters who've had good fortune.
I'll be back next week to see what is next on the list to be made illegal.

Seriously tho, have a fun and safe weekend everyone!!

Funny how you and Ten have absolutely refused to answer my question of a couple days ago. I get the distinct feeling that the two of you do not really support the idea of giving a single person the opportunity to lock out everybody else from public lands but are just having too much fun jabbing a few here to stop.
Yup, they're just trying to stir up trouble. They should be ashamed of themselves.
They end up looking pretty bad, though, so it's OK with me.
Bad at what ITHACA?

We're having a great time listening to you whine about having to go drive the long way around, on poor roads, and closing perfectly good roads. You don't sound so much like the dedicated ground pounder of old. Almost sounds like you could use an ATV right about now.
BULL, I'm still waiting for the information from the BLM. Right now all I see is a gate closed to access (everybodys locked out equally), everybody walks from here is what the elitists wanted, now maybe nobody will get to even walk, but they can reat assured that "their" public lands will be proteced, and after all there is a great value in that knowledge.
Kinda elitist if you ask me. I support varying degrees of access on a broad level
This topic has been hilarious .

Ithaca , I don't see what your problem is here . Say you are on a public right-of-way and you come to a BLM boundry with a locked gate . All you got to do is get off your FATASS , dismount from your truck , and WALK . Right ?......
Out here, you can be cited for both trespassing and poaching if you have crossed private land to get to a landlocked piece of BLM land to hunt. I know, because we used to call F&G wardens out on people for doing just that. The local judge was also a landowner, and he would throw the book at people - a $1500 fine, loss of the vehicle and firearms, loss of hunting rights for a few years, etc. The biggest landowner in the area is the Hearst Corporation, and they are big political contributors.
As a wannabe good steward of the land , Ithaca , I would think you would want to repair the gate torn up by malicious ATV riders and continue on foot .

You have telling us for what seems like years here that closed roads are GOOD and benefit wildlife . Reduced access is GOOD and dersirable . Road hunting is BAD .

So why wouldn't you get out of your truck , off your ASS , and WALK ?........

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-14-2003 15:06: Message edited by: sdgunslinger ]</font>
OK, If it will make you feel better I will. I love walking.

My only problem with this issue is having welfare ranchers closing off roads to "improve" their cattle operations. Any roads that are closed and any gates that are locked should go thru the whole public comment process. Then if they get closed I wouldn't have anything to object to.

You want welfare ranchers and the BLM deciding what roads to close without public input? You must be crazy! Welfare ranchers and the Bureau of Livestock and Mining are a couple of the worst enemies of outdoor recreationists and wildlife.

You and a few others here don't care because you're anti's.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
One of the things I like about this forum is that we've established that all ATV riders have fat asses and all ranchers are welfare ranchers or else hard working, depending on who the poster is.

Fat assed ATV riders.
Welfare ranchers.
Hard working ranchers.

Seem to be the commonly accepted labels here. Kinda like up in the Deer section where every forkhorn buck shot is a "nice fat forkhorn--gonna be good eatin'".

They are only commonly accepted by you and Buzz.
Plus since you posted that all ATV riders have fat asses and there are thoise here we know utilize ATV's then you are in violation of the second go round of the joke...errrr Challenge.

Then anti -what????? Cant you finish your sentence?

I would be with you on the majority of the issues however your posting style has made me go in the other directions. You turned me off with everything being about ranchers being on welfare and ATv riders being lazy. I would say that most "fence sitters" would also be turned off like I have been. So I would say that you are losing the people here that are in the middle and that means you lose in the long run.

Nut, I was kidding in that post, of course. I guess I didn't put in enough smiley faces. I just think it's funny the way we've come to attach those prefixes to some words---like ranchers and ATV riders. I'm pretty sure not all ranchers are welfare ranchers and not everyone riding an ATV has a fat ass and I wouldn't expect anyone else to believe it.

And "anti" is a label that's been put on me ever since I've been posting here. I never knew what, exactly, I was anti that was so bad. I get called an "anti" quite frequently. It seems to be a general term for anyone who doesn't agree with a few people here. I thought I'd start using it.

As for posting style turning you or anyone off, please just try to figure out the facts and don't let posting style influence what's right.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-14-2003 20:22: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
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