Hunters want more protection for Rocky Mountain Front

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Randy was a Rock Star on this. Many thanks for all you're doing to help protect vitally important landscapes for the future hunters of America!!

A coalition of hunters, ranchers, landowners and conservationists recently said that since hunters are spending more money each year hunting the Rocky Mountain Front, the area should receive more funding and protection.

The Coalition to Protect the Rocky Mountain Front cited data from the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) which shows that Front hunters spent $9.8 million in 2006, an amount that grew to $10.4 million in 2008 -- during the heart of the recession.

In 2010 hunter spending held steady, at $10.1 million. Of that amount, more than $5 million was spent on big game and $4.8 million on upland birds.

"The numbers along the Front show public land hunting has not been as susceptible to the broader economic challenges facing other industries during the recent recession," said Randy Newberg, a Coalition panel member and host of the show “On Your Own Adventures,” in a Coalition conference call last week.