Hunters lost in Bitterroot


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
Just met Search and Rescue Two kids on mountain bikes are lost. They headed up the trailhead at Willow Creek. Lot's of heavy wet snow overnite. Keep ypur eyes open if in the srea. mtmuley
Unfortunately, from what I've seen amongs the mountain biking crowd is that many of them aren't really prepared for an emergency in the backcountry in terms of small survival kits.

We did a long ride earlier this fall, and I took my Katadyn Hiker Pro. None of the other four had ever packed one, but it turned out warmer than expected and that filter saved our bacon from a dehydration standpoint. I know none of my biking buddies carry space blankets and fire starter in their packs on fall rides.
They are hunters or mountain bikers?

Note: Riding a mountain bike into a hunting spot does not make you a mountain biker.
Hope they return / located soon. Prayers with the kids, their families and those involved in the search.
Just looked in our local paper but nothing there. The guys were hunting but using bikes to access from what I understand. They weren't local, and the trail they went up isn't exactly bike-friendly in places. mtmuley
Basically surrounded by roads too. But if you aren't familiar with the area and panic, bad stuff happens. mtmuley
Since I was off by myself documenting in the Durfees (not like I was worried about not being able to get help in an emergency with all the hunters, Surveyors and Wilks employees about), Wingman suggested I take his Spot, just to mark my trail in case I didnt show back up to camp. I forgot about it on the way up, busy trying to make sure that I was not buggering up someones hunt when I crossed land before getting to the fence line and then the fence documenting as well as not used to using such a device. On the way back, however, with the fence stuff done for that portion, I remembered. I can easily see how those devices bring a peace of mind to those back home and somewhat to those out and about, that you at least have a digital footprint, of sorts, helping focus attention should an emergency arise.

I was concerned about the hunter lost in the Crazys, but the conversation that developed as a result was beneficial, at least to me, concerning these electronic applications that can assist. I now look at them as a piece of basic gear, not a luxury.

I sure hope these guys are found, especially with another bad batch of weather upon us.
Dang. That isn't very big country at all, which almost makes it more concerning. Hopefully they got a big fire built, this is a nasty storm to be out in.
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