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Hunterman's in the Hospital

He will be just fine. A coworker of mine, who is in his mid-50's, just had a triple bypass last summer, and he is doing just fine now. He was off work for about 6 weeks, IIRC, and now he's back and just as healthy as ever. It's amazing how successful they are with heart operations these days. Just make sure that he exercises and eats right from now on. Speaking of which, I think I better follow that same advice, or I could end up the same way in a few more years. :D
should of scheduled the surgery for the evening so he doesnt miss any work.
Hope all goes well, our son had open heart surgery 13 years ago( 6-7 months old) and he is still a little shit. the technology is incredable now he shouldnt have any problems.
Just keep him away from the male nurse's ;)

Keep us posted
Hunterman made it through his surgery with flying colors. He is resting comfortably in is room now, even though is his having pain. The nurses took his breathing tube out this morning, so he is doing that on his own now. They are planning on taking out his heart cathider today as long as everything looks fine on the monitors. He should be sitting in a chair for a little to work the lungs and chest muscles.
Tomorrow they should be taking out his chest tubes, as long as the amount of fluid that is draining is suffient enough to do so.

He is doing fine and should out of the hospital on Monday.

Thank you for all your good wishes and prayers.

Quick Draw
prayers are with you guys--telll him not to worry --I've had two friends that have had this surgery and they're doing great---chris

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