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Hunterman's in the Hospital

Quick Draw

New member
May 20, 2001
Hunterman went in for a cardio cath today to check his heart.:confused: :eek: The results were that he needs to have open heart surgey, a four way bypass. As of right now he is in good spirits.

He is at St. Joe's Hospital in Tacoma.

Last season's hunting season WILL NOT BE OUR LAST!!!!!!

Please put him and our family in your thoughts and preyers.
Quick Draw
Was he feeling OK when he went in ? is he staying in there till the operation is done ? I guess I don't know what a cardio cath is ? was that a yearly checkup thingy ?

All the part of me not knowing anythnig aside, I hope all is and goes well !!!
Dayam...that kind of news gives me the willies as few males in my family have lived out of their 60' of luck to you & yours Toney....I'm off to the gym!
OK, let me see if I can put all of this into "Moosie Language" for everybody. A cardio catheder is basically a heart scope. A camera is guided into the heart by way of the circulatory system. It starts out at the femeral artery (near the groin). The camera is able to show the doctor any blockages from chloresterol and fatty deposits. Now, if y'all remember, my dad did one of these a little bit over a year ago, and they found four blockages that were not serious enough to be operated on. In a year the heart muscle has had dramatic changes. There were two options that were discussed with my dad. Option one was to control or prevent more damage with medicine, but a bypass would eventually have to happen. Option two is to do the by pass sugery. His heart is in reasonable shape, and his physical condition is good except for being over wieght.
Currently, the bypass surgery is a preventative operation so that he does not have a massive heart attack in the next year. He has a 98% chance of surviving this surgery, most people who have this done are lucky to have a 50% chance of survival.
We thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and support. The surgery is scheduled for noonish today, it will take roughly 3 to 4 hours, with that same amount of time in the ICU.
One of us will post an update this evening when we return for the hospital.

In other words, him got a boo boo and the doctor has to fix it. Its gonna take a really big superman bandaid.


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