PEAX Equipment

Hunter from Norway

Hei og velkommen!

Sportsmen coming to the US for hunting face one universal hunting hurdle of showing proof of an acceptable Hunter's Safety course. In some US states, it might be possible that what you have already done to be allowed to hunt in Norway would allow you to participate here. There is no such requirement for one wanting to fish....just get a non-resident fishing license and cast away.

I echo others in requesting that you share with us New-Worlders some of the Old World hunting adventures that you have undertaken.

Takk for det! Ok, that will be a big thing to check up on. Here in Norway we have to have a 35 hours class with a exam at the end to be able to purchase a rifle or shotgun and to hunt. Without this you are not allowed to hunt by your self.
Love the Norwegians. That is my mother's side of my heritage, with the Finns being my father's side. A bit of Swede is mixed in on both sides.

I wish I knew where in Norway that my Mom's family immigrated from. My maternal great-great grandfather was H. Olaf Okland, or as he became known in Minnesota, "Ole Oakland." He was a great friend of Ole Edvart Rolvaag, professor at St. Olaf College and known for the book(s) Giants In The Earth, a story of Norwegians settling in what was Dakota Territory that later became Minnesota. I have many letters between the two with my GGfather writing of his homesteading life in Northern, MN from 1915-1924. Amazing reading of these events and what they went through.

Rolvaag and his family came from Donna, Norway. My family was from nearby, but none of the records we have can pin down exactly where in Norway they were born/lived. They all ended up in the same little place of Northfield, MN in the late 1800's.

Plying the woodsmanship they had brought with them, my family would head north for temporary work as contractors for the railroad; hunting for meat to feed lumber camps and railroaders. Trapping augmented that income when possible.

Eventually it was time to plant roots "up north," which at that time the big woods of North-central Minnesota were pretty much nothing but a few logging camps. Leaving Northfield to build a permanent life, they settled in the little town of Marcell, homesteading on a lake now known as Big Ole. They spent their first year living in a tent, even through winter. Our family still owns the cabin sites on that homestead location. Growing up fishing that lake and going back there each summer is special to all of us.

I hope you have luck in your hunting quest. Glad to connect you to any people I might know in Minnesota who could help you in your hunt.

I was watching a video on youtube and heard you say "uffda" then I knew you had some Scandinavian in you. We use "uffda" all the time here. Dønna is far north. I have not been there my self but I have been to Mo I Rana and its close by. If you need some help researching your family history let me know. I can check with some archives up there.
Welcome from the UK.
Those are some very nice Roe Bucks.
Take it from me, you do not need to book a hunt with an outfitter in Norway, a little bit of research and the members on here and you can do-it-yourself.
Hunter education, as you are only 28 its very likely you will have to complete it, however, some states you can do an online course which as acceptable in other states, but archery is a little more complicated, can you archer hunt in Norway?
We can't in the UK.
I would bet money that your hunter safety from Norway would transfer to almost any state here. I would check with the states you want to hunt before doing anything else.
You might be correct on that, but any qualifications for rifle deer hunting in the UK certainly aren't transferable.
I would bet money that your hunter safety from Norway would transfer to almost any state here. I would check with the states you want to hunt before doing anything else.
That's the first time for me to see an picture of an elkhound doing what is born to do.
That's the first time for me to see an picture of an elkhound doing what is born to do.

Thats Lizzy and she is 8 years old. It was a high lung shot so there was no blood and almost no fur where the moose stod. It ran 250m in to thick brush. Having a dog to track for you in this situation is alpha omega. What is the "law" in your state when it comes to using dogs? In Norway you have to have a certified aftersearch dog availeble if you are going hunting after big game.
While we have a draw here in Colorado, the one animal you can hunt with an Over The Counter (OTC) license in most of the state is a bull elk. Our draw is open from March 1st to April 3rd this year so you should have to put in for preference points for the future. Let me know if you have any questions.
I think I have to do some more research when it comes to your draw system. Here in Norway we have agencys that customises hunting trips to the US. But these trips are expensive, we are talking 7000$ without the plane ticket.
Fantastic. welcome to the boards (from another noob). look forward to following your adventures in the states.

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