Hunt value Africa VS North America

Cali... that number looks about right for a select few trophies. I'm interested in kudu and zebra mainly. I also think a nice impala ram makes a pretty trophy. I have one from my trip in '84 but I want a bigger one.

Now is the time to start planning and putting together numbers for '04 or '05. Hopefully we can hook up next week if/when I get to California.
Stupid question from the Africa newbie...what would it cost for a good, heavy-maned lion? Is it still even legal? Plains game is great, but one of my bigger dreams is African lion. I'm not sure I would even go without a chance at that. I wanna wanna wanna.
Ah yes, here it Tanzania, but
nevertheless: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>21 days

Lion, leopard, three buffalo and all plains game

Masai and Western
1x1 - $43,950
2x2 - $41,850
2x1 - $31,250

1x1 - $36,800
2x2 - $33,300
2x1 - $29,950<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Well, so much for THAT dream.

Well, this one is a little better: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>$1,000/day - 18 days, 1X1, Lion, buffalo, plains game<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That one's in Zimbabwe.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-30-2003 12:46: Message edited by: dgibson ]</font>
That's just too rich for my blood! I'll be happy to settle for plains game and maybe I'll be lucky enough to see some of the big 5 hanging around. Kudu, eland, impala - the kind of critters that make colorful, big-horned trophies!
I have a question. If like 35% of South Africans are infected with HIV virus, then do you make sure people on each hunt have compatible blood types or what? If anybody got hurt and needed a blood transfusion, man, South Africa may be the worst place in the world to be with that need. Any comments?
No South African hunt because of AIDS...check. No Tanzanian hunt because of impossible fees...check. No Zimbabwe hunt because of better, but still impossible fees...check check. Looks like I'll be spending another fall in poor ol' Western Kentucky chasing whitetails! Don't worry, Gimpy Nut, there's still a place for you!
No South Africa because of AIDS? I'm talking about hunting there, not any type of exchange of bodily fluids! What were your exact intentions on a Safari? I have never heard of a single person in my life who has gone on a hunting safari and come down with HIV or AIDS from hunting!

Do you understand how AIDS is transfered? If you do what were you intending to "hunt" that would give it to you?
I'm blood type, A+, with 5 toes on each foot, but I pretty much want to keep those Nut. ha ha
Anybody compatible with A postive?
With that and about $5,000, I'd be on my way.
Ok for starters all blood donated is screened for AIDS. Sure not 100% guarantee but that goes for the USA as well!

As far as percent of population with AIDS, These numbers comes directly from the landowner whose property we use quite often in Zululand. He is also the doctor and owner of the clinic in Josini. I was in school with him while in South Africa, it's where we met.

He see's 250 new HIV patients each month on Average. The black breeding age population may be as high as 80% HIV based on the black military figures which show just over 80% of the black population of SA soldiers are HIV or AIDS positive. The whole population of blacks would be just about 50% HIV or AIDS but the number is lower due to the population being divided between breeding age 15 through 45 years old and those younger and older then that. It's a logrithmic increase not liner. The situation is getting worse by the minute. We will see deaths of blacks in southern Africa like never before in the very near future from this problem. The President of SA said that nobody in the whole world has ever died of AIDS. He said it's the white mans hoax to put the fear of breeding into the black population. He told the TV viewers that they should go forth and make new voters(babys) to assure the country will be run by blacks for ever. This is the leader of the country!

The Percent of AIDS amoung hetrosexual whites is about the same as Europe and the USA. It's very low. The Population Of South Africa is 80% black of which the majority will die in the next 15 years. It's likley the influx of illegal aliens will become very high over that time which will balance the lower population of blacks with new blacks from neighboring countries. This will actually be promoted by the current government to maintain a majority in the vote. There will be a battle over this like never seen before!

It will be interesting to see how these events shake out.

The White population sees the real liklely hood of regaining control of the governement in the next 15-20 years. Only about 1/2 the black population votes because 1/2 are in villages which don't give a rip about the government anyway. They just want to be left alone. The 1/2 that will vote would likely be split to some degree because the educated population of blacks would recognise the need for the countries stabiltiy and corporations to remain in SA for majority employment.

There are some very tough years ahead in SA with the country headed towards a civil war of sorts when the votes get really close for the elections in about 10 years or so. I'm not sure what the hunting arrangements will be like in the next 5-7 or 10 years but right now it's like heaven to go there and hunt. I see it being very stressful for a while and then when it settles in we might see the best SA of all time!
Thanks for the info JJ. I just cant believe that the president of SA is such an idiot saying that nobody ever died of AIDS.

Thanks Darren

Sorry Tom and Cali but I am A neg. But didnt ya both already share a hotel room together before?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nut:
Thanks for the info JJ. I just cant believe that the president of SA is such an idiot saying that nobody ever died of AIDS.

Thanks Darren

Sorry Tom and Cali but I am A neg. But didnt ya both already share a hotel room together before?

Hey Nut....I'm A neg also...does this mean I get to go on Safari too
wait..on second thought...I don't want any YANKEE blood
When I teach the gosples of "Total Quality Management" and "Customer Service Excellence" and those stuffs here at work, I tell the class to "look at yourself through the eyes of the customer".
If I view the above posters as potential hunting clients, then it scares me to realise how little I understand of how they think of me, us, here, inhabitants of the Dark Continent. But I read and get educated.

JJ, thanks for the further info and explanation! Lochi, no offense was intended or implied. We're simply ignorant of the practical side of safari in Africa, and our money isn't spent lightly. I don't think any of us think ill of people on "The Dark Continent," we are just trying to sort out the necessities of travel there. International travel is never a trivial matter anymore, and the more up-front questions we ask now the less ignorant we will be when the time comes.

Moosie will be exemplary of "seat of the pants" travel when he makes his safari in 2005.

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