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Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

I will be putting on weight now, hunting season is all but over, as I've been hunting most days and dragging heavy carcasses around it kept the weight off, the only exercise I will be doing now are park runs every Saturday, and fly fishing!
Yeah, buddy! If we don’t have anything to work on then what’s the point of striving for pinnacle fitness? Got to backslide sometimes to have goals.
I was surprised by high cholesterol results a few years back as well and finally this year got serious about it. In my case no family history of heart issues but as I am fit and eat relatively well it’s seemed odd. (Currently 36) I am taking a much harder line on diet - limiting sugar and simple carbs - and eating only real un processed foods and then rather then testing once a year i am gonna test every few months and see how things are going - it’s cheap to do. $8 or so. But would be good to know what your specific numbers were too? - total cholesterol isn’t super valuable it seems. For me my triglycerides are pretty low but my LDL and appo b are both high while my HDL is not. I’ll let you know how it goes.

The huberman podcast with Dr Attia (Linked to above) did make me feel like statins might be a good call in certain instances though - but certainly not in place of improving diet and exercise.
FWIW, Shrimp and wild game can be high in Cholesterol. High LDLs still raise your overall cholesterol.
Weighed in at 175# this morning which was my goal to get to by July 4th. I’m down 10# from the start of the year where I was roughly 185. I’m close to 150 miles logged on the treadmill for the year, walking and running. Tracking my calories and greatly reducing my beer intake has been the key for me. New goal is 170# by July 4. For, there I think I will just want to maintain that weight. Good luck to all others making it happen!
Came in at 204 yesterday morning down from 228 7 weeks ago. I'd like to hit 175 by the 4th of July. Or maybe just 180 all depends how 180 feels when I get there. Not really focused on hitting a number as much as I am staying at that number. Hiking with 30lbs in my pack has got significantly easier the last week or so so i guess its time to add some more weight.
FWIW, Shrimp and wild game can be high in Cholesterol. High LDLs still raise your overall cholesterol.
Seems like the science is now that dietary cholesterol has a small impact on blood cholesterol- thought fats do and those can go hand in hand in food. LDL is the one I want lower. HDL would be better if it was higher for me.
Here's how I stay in shape, not only for Elk hunting, but for doing about everything I enjoy doing.
I participate in "Western Pack Burro Racing", where we run alongside our Burros for long distances, (one race is 29 miles), at high altitudes, (up to 13, 185 ft on Mosquito Pass in two of the races), over rough terrain, (strewed with softball sized rocks in places). No age classes, no ribbons and no wimps.
Last Summer, I managed to get 8th place at the Leadville 21 miler that starts at 10,200 ft. runs to Mosquito Pass and then back to town on a different route.
I'll be closing in on 73 yrs. old when that race comes around this August.


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Here's how I stay in shape, not only for Elk hunting, but for doing about everything I enjoy doing.
I participate in "Western Pack Burro Racing", where we run alongside our Burros for long distances, (one race is 29 miles), at high altitudes, (up to 13, 185 ft on Mosquito Pass in two of the races), over rough terrain, (strewed with softball sized rocks in places). No age classes, no ribbons and no wimps.
Last Summer, I managed to get 8th place at the Leadville 21 miler that starts at 10,200 ft. runs to Mosquito Pass and then back to town on a different route.
I'll be closing in on 73 yrs. old when that race comes around this August.
Damn! :)
Seems like the science is now that dietary cholesterol has a small impact on blood cholesterol- thought fats do and those can go hand in hand in food. LDL is the one I want lower. HDL would be better if it was higher for me.
I might have those backwards. I just know cholesterol, even “good” cholesterol is in all animal fat. As hunters, we’re more subjected to it than others.
So 28 years ago my HDL went up, a bit and stayed there. My Dr. knew my family history of heart problems, along with my healthy lifestyle and general very good health. He put me on a low dose statin.

8 years ago I had a HA out of nowhere and had no damage nor blockage nor plaque build up. It was stress. After 3 yrs I dropped all the heart pills & statin and got better, slowly. I still took the baby aspirin for blood thinner. Just in case they missed something.

After last years discovery that my sciatica was in reality prostate cancer on my bone and treatments my oncologist(my Dr. now) put me back on the low dose statin. Just in case.

Tomorrow I go for my monthly blood tests. I have a cell face chat with the Dr and pallitive nurse(pain management) on the 20th. My HDL is back to pre 40's along with EVERYTHING else.
It will be interesting to see if I am stable. I think I have gained most of my weight back, 180 on the neighbors scale.
I had felt better than I had in 10 years.
But had a setback last week.
I lost my aunt who I spent 2 weeks with in hospice for my uncle in his battle with prostate cancer 20 years ago. She was my anchor in my battle. The last thing she said to me 3 weeks ago was "Stay positive. Stay going forward, onward".

I leave early tomorrow for the lab. Moving onward. Positive I am beating this monster.
Sometimes your body just does weird things in life. Like my HDL . And cancer.
Sometimes you have to trust your doctor and his opine.

I plan on starting on my porches later this week after the predicted 60mph winds die down.
Positive I will get them done and start on my shop, this year.
For Uncle Dave and Aunt Pebble. For me and Rio.
Here's how I stay in shape, not only for Elk hunting, but for doing about everything I enjoy doing.
I participate in "Western Pack Burro Racing", where we run alongside our Burros for long distances, (one race is 29 miles), at high altitudes, (up to 13, 185 ft on Mosquito Pass in two of the races), over rough terrain, (strewed with softball sized rocks in places). No age classes, no ribbons and no wimps.
Last Summer, I managed to get 8th place at the Leadville 21 miler that starts at 10,200 ft. runs to Mosquito Pass and then back to town on a different route.
I'll be closing in on 73 yrs. old when that race comes around this August.
Wow, good on you, I'm knocking on the door of 63, impressed you're doing that at 73!

Some impressive results chaps, keep it up.

I must not push myself too hard but I did do my quickest 5k so far this year on Saturday, 27:29 200th place out of a field of 428.
I'm surprised there are so few park run events in the US, none in Montana, I would of thought the perfect place would be Bozeman!

But there is a Kiwi on here who is a machine when it comes to fitness levels!
I had a slight vacation diet setback this past week but it was worth it (FL gulf coast).

Back at home now, ate healthy today, worked out. Feeling better.

I did a 5.6 mile run while down there and some hiking, but also a lot of eating. Still, I am down 22-23 lbs since the New Year and I’m now at 187-88. My lifting has improved my muscle tone tremendously already since starting up a month and a half or so ago. But my plantar faciaitus is flaring up again and causing foot issues. Still lots of time to keep working things out before fall. I’m trying to get bigger/stronger through lifting and a higher protein diet, and also still working on losing the last few lbs worth of remaining stubborn mid-section fat. Overall my weight is unlikely to change much from here, my target is 185 before heading west this fall. But a much stronger and in-shape 185 than I’ve been in 25 years.
Came in at 204 yesterday morning down from 228 7 weeks ago. I'd like to hit 175 by the 4th of July. Or maybe just 180 all depends how 180 feels when I get there. Not really focused on hitting a number as much as I am staying at that number. Hiking with 30lbs in my pack has got significantly easier the last week or so so i guess its time to add some more weight.

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