Kenetrek Boots

Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

So I get home from my park run today having just done my fastest time for sometime 26:51 and the wife had made this, trying to kill me with kindness 😂

(The runner who had the heart attack last week contacted the organisers, thanked everybody who saved his life, 6 runners were in fact doctors, CPR started immediately, defib arrived within a few minutes, the ED at hospital said without the defib the outcome would have been a lot different.)
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Good point, and then when you realize how much work you have to do to burn even 100 calories it makes it even easier to skip them.

100%. I finish a hard workout and think I don’t want to waste it on junk food, vs my wife who feels she’s earned junk food. Two different mentalities. Probably some sort of balance in there.

Pretty tough to resist eating like crap when running around tired from the kid going through some funky sleep patterns at the moment.
A little good, a little bad. I've slipped on my running consistency. Good weather has brought about fishing season, so snuck in some of that outside of work during workout time (fishing/hunting will always trump exercise for me). Got asked to sub in a few extra hockey games so still getting hard workouts in. But I want to get my running consistency back. I'm going for 2 a week (rather than 3) for the next while as I have increased opportunity to just be active generally (e.g. I've been biking to work).
Made it back to pre-surgery weight. More muscle and definition thanks to adding some strength training. Getting a few hikes in when I have time and it isn’t too snowy/muddy/flooding to get out. The weather so far has been a huge damper on my mental game however. I feel like I can only do so much in my living room and on the elliptical before I start to get really bored.
I let the week get behind me a bit again, had to log 11 this morning to hit 40 for the week. The first 8 just melted away like nothing, I felt better than I have in probably a few years. The last few were a bit tougher, but I hammered the last mile and was able to hang on to the pace until I got home.

Feeling good.👍
I let the week get behind me a bit again, had to log 11 this morning to hit 40 for the week. The first 8 just melted away like nothing, I felt better than I have in probably a few years. The last few were a bit tougher, but I hammered the last mile and was able to hang on to the pace until I got home.

Feeling good.👍
What's your goal mileage for the year? I'm shooting for 2000 currently at 850 and counting
Wow man, you are off to a great start for the year!

Lately I have been trying for 40 a week, so I guess that would come to 2k but I scale way back during hunting season and winter- hunting season for obvious reasons and it’s just too tough to get enough in during the winter here in Wisconsin (that’s an excuse I could plow through if I had better discipline).

I would like to sustain better through next winter and hit spring in better running shape just so see what difference that would make.
Wow man, you are off to a great start for the year!

Lately I have been trying for 40 a week, so I guess that would come to 2k but I scale way back during hunting season and winter- hunting season for obvious reasons and it’s just too tough to get enough in during the winter here in Wisconsin (that’s an excuse I could plow through if I had better discipline).

I would like to sustain better through next winter and hit spring in better running shape just so see what difference that would make.
I hear ya there! I spent 4 winters in north Dakota I imagine it's very similar. Lots of monotonous treadmill runs.

I'm back in the Colorado front range these days so even in the winter atleast half my runs I'm able to get outside

Good luck with the continued training
it’s just too tough to get enough in during the winter here in Wisconsin (that’s an excuse I could plow through if I had better discipline)
I struggle with this thought myself.
Sometimes I’m not sure if the mental anguish I go through getting out the door is worth the health benefits of the run.
When the wind’s blowing 30 with 100% cloud cover it’s really not fun.
But I guess it makes you appreciate the nice days like we had here today.
I was 100% thinking this on today’s run while I was gliding through space with no shirt and a headband instead of 3 layers, a neck buff and a stocking cap.
I struggle with this thought myself.
Sometimes I’m not sure if the mental anguish I go through getting out the door is worth the health benefits of the run.
When the wind’s blowing 30 with 100% cloud cover it’s really not fun.
But I guess it makes you appreciate the nice days like we had here today.
I was 100% thinking this on today’s run while I was gliding through space with no shirt and a headband instead of 3 layers, a neck buff and a stocking cap.
It’s much easier just to retreat to the mountains and go skiing. 😜
Sometimes I’m not sure if the mental anguish I go through getting out the door is worth the health benefits of the run.

I hear you there. One thought I always have during that “should I go/should I skip” conversation with myself is that I never once have regretted going for a run after it was done.

That and the mental anguish of skipping is usually a lot worse than just getting out the door. It helps to just tell yourself to go at least one mile, if it still sucks give yourself permission to stop (you almost never will). The toughest part of winter isn’t so much the cold, it’s the lack of daylight. I do most of my runs either from home (country roads) or in trails at a state park nearby, neither are good options in the dark. And treadmills suck.
You guys are putting down serious miles, nice job 👍

I'm in Northern Utah where we had a record snow year, some of our resorts got 70 feet of snow this winter. We still have 47" of water at the snotel above my house, not 47" of snow, but 47" of WATER inside the snow. Still, I avoided the treadmill and ran entirely outside this winter on trails with snow cleats on my running shoes.

I think it paid off because I ran a 25k Trail Race in March and finished just outside the Top 10 (my best ever) and have set PRs in 1-mile, 5k, and 10k in the last 30 days.

I'm convinced that running on the poor substrate of semi-packed snow with the extra weight of GTX shoes and snow cleats increased my strength and speed this winter... when I normally lose fitness.

I don't ever see myself making the treadmill a normal part of my winter routine again.
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I let the week get behind me a bit again, had to log 11 this morning to hit 40 for the week. The first 8 just melted away like nothing, I felt better than I have in probably a few years. The last few were a bit tougher, but I hammered the last mile and was able to hang on to the pace until I got home.

Feeling good.👍
What's your goal mileage for the year? I'm shooting for 2000 currently at 850 and counting
I hate to be that guy, but we’re gonna need to see the strava’s to back up these claims.
I hate to be that guy, but we’re gonna need to see the strava’s to back up these claims.

Sorry to disappoint Dougster, no Strava for me (and won’t).

It’s kind of funny to note the difference between forums- this one, with normal people vs a running forum like LetsRun. A 40 mile week to those runner nerds is nothing, 80-100 mile weeks are what they consider high mileage. I often wonder how they find the time for that, but then again they are probably quite a bit faster.

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