Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals

My wife made the top 10 at the local gym for attendance in Jan. She did 62 workouts and swiped in 28/31 days. Would have been 31/31 except for being out of town. First 2 weeks of the year she had bronchitis.

Helps motivate me to up my game. My new goal is to reach an 800 cal rowing workout in 1 hour by 5/10/23. Last year if I remember right my best was 715. I am also doing a weekly fitness check in with a coworker to help us both stay on track.
Just went out for my first run in several YEARS! 2.3 miles. No big deal, but with foot problem, hip pain, and cardiovascular worries over the past few years I was uncertain I’d get back to it ever. I’ve now lost almost 17 lbs since the beginning of the year on diet and regular walking/hiking from work (i work outside a lot covering some miles) and some skiing. I have pushed extreme calorie deficit well past where I should (i tend to over-do certain things) and it’s time to slow that drastic step down as well as time to start adding some more activity, and ultimately strength work. I’ll also add, for any of you other mid-lifers out there, that I can confidently say I’ve been suffering some depression through the mid-winter (and probably longer) and particularly since my 47th which hit me harder than I expected. Focusing on a positive goal like getting in better shape than I have been for a while has really perked me up. Just starting this journey - I’m not taking any victory laps until I learn to sustain a better life and accept some things too. Keep at it guys and gals! Spring is just around the corner!

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Is that your weight or 2.3 mi time? :D

All I can say is that my 47th was literally and figuratively a "piece of cake". Thirty-one years later I am still jogging ('would be stretch to call it running) and hiking hard ... to keep my Mom's motto in mind, "Use it ... or lose it!" She walked everywhere, never had a drivers license, and lived to a peaceful passing at age 101!

So keep it up. Good on you!(y)
Is that your weight or 2.3 mi time? :D

All I can say is that my 47th was literally and figuratively a "piece of cake". Thirty-one years later I am still jogging ('would be stretch to call it running) and hiking hard ... to keep my Mom's motto in mind, "Use it ... or lose it!" She walked everywhere, never had a drivers license, and lived to a peaceful passing at age 101!

So keep it up. Good on you!(y)
Thanks StraightArrow. Yeah my weight. Run time was slower, probably, LOL. I also should be clear… it was a JOG.

I don’t want to be a whiner. 47 is nothing to worry about. I know this. But in addition to letting my self get flabbier of late, I am learning a little too much about the consequences of not taking care of what’s between the ears and when that kind of thing happens, its easy to get hung up on symbols like birthdays. I don’t talk about that aspect much or with anyone really but HT is as good a “safe space” as any!

Take it easy and keep using it!
I'm more motivated than in previous years to get to the weight I'd like to be.
I've never been "out of shape" and none of my hunt plans have ever been hindered. That said, there's always room for improvement.
My motivation is to be in the best physical condition that I can be before September when I go on my first dusky grouse hunt in the mountains of Colorado. I plan to pursue ptarmigan while there, weather permitting.
I've been working out and adjusting my diet, portion size and eating times since mid January. Weight lose has been exactly how I want, slow and steady. Started at 207, this morning the scale read right on 200, final weight goal is 180 - 185. Just turned 53. Ran for first time this morning since the end of November. Pathways still have some slick spots but should continue to improve. Weekly hikes with weighted backpack start tomorrow. Will continue daily calisthenics.
I’ve been steady at the gym for the last 6 weeks, recently started tracking food/calories. Haven’t really lost any weight, but my jeans fit way better and my shirts are getting tight in the shoulders and across my chest.

Wife even commented about my “cake” the other day. No idea what that means.

I’ll be doing a follow-up body scan at the gym on Monday, hoping to see a decrease in body fat, and an increase in lean muscle mass.

Even though the scale hasn’t moved much, I FEEL better than I did 6 weeks ago.
Late to the game, and also glad to see someone started one of these!

my goals are the following for 2023:

1. Be able to fit in 10 year old 33” waist jeans (been good for last 9 years but 3rd kid this past year has me pushing limits) 187 lbs to 173ish OR just reducing the spare tire. will accomplish this mostly through diet, and increasing exercise

2.10 hr exercise per week; consisting of 3x cardio/week 8 hr
2x weights 1hr
2x mobility/yoga 1hr

3. Get more sleep 7:30/night. Will be mostly done by Going sleep by 1030pm with no screen starting at 930. Maybe even sleep through the entire night (3 kids under 5). awake by 500 to exercise or begin work

4. (Copied this one) 2200 (half my age x 100) total miles over all activities (400 hiking, 1400 biking, 300 running, 100 backcountry skiing, etc)

5. 3 summer weekends scouting

6. Leading to the Hunting trips 2 x 5 night (elk with bow) spot and stalk and 4 x 2 night (deer)
Starting simple I want to drop 20 pounds so from 240 to 220. So far lost three. My GF is dieting as well and she has given up good food and is pretty much salad. I tried it but salad makes me hungry after a few hours so I snack and gained weight. So far been losing weight by eating better portions sizes. I can eat a lot usually so it’s tough lol
Late to the game, and also glad to see someone started one of these!
Right on time! Good luck with your goals. Some pretty good success stories already on this thread. I wish I could add the “good sleep” component to my repetoire. This is HARD for me, I sleep very little. But its a great part of your plan, good luck and keep at it!!
That’s what I use as well. There’s also an app called Lose It. I used that for a little while to see how J liked it, but I’d been using MyFitnessPal for a couple years by then so I just stuck with that.
I’m down five pounds so far. My life has gone a bit haywire the last week and a half; my dad ended up in the ICU and I had to jump in my truck and drive to ND to see him. Managed to mostly stay on track even through that. He is still in the hospital but doing better, definitely been stressful though.

I’ve added some upper body workouts in but need to get more consistent about it. So I’m doing so-so on meeting my goals.
I just left the gym. I’ll keep losing and you keep gaining. Maybe we will catch each other.
Got my lab work back from yesterdays trip.
180 lbs
162/68 BP
RHR 52
90% lung capacity
All numbers inside parameters.
PSA 1.13

Rio is doing much better. He scared off a pack of yotes who entered his yard before the trip. No problems getting in the truck.

I finished cutting up 2 trees, loaded 12 rounds Monday & split 2 when we got home.
Got the furnace fixed Sunday.
New snow storm has blown in. 4 inches last night. High of 27 and a low of 1.
We'll be warm.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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