Hunt Subscription Services


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2011
LaPorte, IN
With all the competition these days in western hunt publication services I can't view them all so wanted get some opinions. I subscribed to HF since they were a pamphlet back in the 90's, then Eastman's, now goHunt. Skipped a few years since nothing much changes. But I do have a lot of points 20+ in most states, and need to keep up on trends and changes. My goHunt subscription renews in March, so I wanted to consider options. goHunt kind of overwhelms me with too much info I don't need. I think it's great for new guys getting familiar with all state's policies, but I already know 95% of that and find myself muddling through all the beginner stuff. For most states I already am quite familiar with the hunts and have had the same targeted for many years. Maybe I don't even need a paid service and can just get by with Toprut? But I like reading some updates so nothing important gets past me. I am curious if Epic Outdoors would suite my needs. Any opinions on any of these services, or others, for an experienced hunter? Thanks.
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I think having solid contacts in other States that you can ask for advice is wayyyy better than anything else.

There is a network of people that just flat know WTF is going on all the time, you're either in that loop or out of it. That's where you get the best information and can take advantage of some great hunts/areas that aren't on the radar. By the time the trend catches up to the publications and on-line services...its usually wayyy too late.

IME, with being in the loop, the street is a 2 way deal, sometimes you have to share information to get information. Works well for those in the know.

My 2 cents.
If all you need are odds and point pool data, you can't beat the value of Toprut. If you want more comprehensive data, draw changes, how to's, etc, GoHunt is a good choice in my opinion. That said, HuntTalk, bowsite, and muleys have been and will always be, the first source for changes that are in the works.
Presuming you are going to eventually draw a number of very coveted tags that may even be virtually once-in-a-lifetime tags then the access to prior hunters is worth a lot in my opinion.

Huntin' Fool has the best prior hunter dataset. Epic is hustling to grow theirs so is also useful. I have used a couple of dozen prior hunter lists over the past couple of decades and find that the harder the tag is to draw then the more helpful the prior hunters. You should do well gathering intel from those prior hunters.

I also draw some easy tags and the prior hunters are of nominal help perhaps since they likely have friends or family that hunt that tag from time to time so are tight-lipped.

The state recaps with harvest and draw info is useful in HF and Epic though HF and Epic are heavily focused on the best units for pronghorn, deer and elk plus recaps all the sheep, goat and moose units.

GoHunt is better for parsing through what easy to draw units or middling units you might be able to draw then can funnel down based on how that hunt is described. Can sort by weapon, harvest rate, antler size, etc depending on the state out West.

I gave up on Eastmans when they did not even bother to update the NM Members Only insert the year the sheep draw changed dramatically. There were other obvious mistakes the prior year in a couple of Member Only inserts so that was the last straw for me.

I never read the hunt recap glory articles in any of the services.

Good luck on your hunts.
As I've been applying since 1996 I've accumulated a lot of info on all the states. I've had hunts in all of them during that time except Oregon. Talked to many guys over the years on my target primo hunts. Have done all the homework I can for those long ago. For most lower demand areas I target units I have hunted in the past and am familiar. I also do have a few friends out west I get some input from. So it's kind of a mixed bag what services would help me the most. The single one I have found myself referring to the most has actually been Hunters Trailhead to get the exact number of applications in each draw pool every year. But that's all they have
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Go Hunt has been a great tool in the past, but they have really dropped the ball this year. Nothing is updated so it hasn’t been useful to me at all this season. My subscription is up and Im not sure if I’ll renew.
Been using Eastmans and hunters trailhead. I wont get Eastmans anther year since it never changes much. I hold on to 3 years of the MRS. Will at least give GoHunt a try next year. Might start a 3 year rotation for Eastmans, HF, and GoHunt.
I think Epic and HF are almost interchangeable, a few minor differences hear and there, but very similar. Use Toprut if you want the best draw odds.
I think having solid contacts in other States that you can ask for advice is wayyyy better than anything else.

There is a network of people that just flat know WTF is going on all the time, you're either in that loop or out of it. That's where you get the best information and can take advantage of some great hunts/areas that aren't on the radar. By the time the trend catches up to the publications and on-line services...its usually wayyy too late.

IME, with being in the loop, the street is a 2 way deal, sometimes you have to share information to get information. Works well for those in the know.

My 2 cents.

How do I get into said network? :D

I keep renewing with Eastmans just for the knife. I can start losing one each year and still be in good shape...

I think the only value in Eastmans is seeing how they rank their units so that I can get a better idea of how that's going to affect draw odds. I put very little weight into their actual rankings.

I don't know much about Epic but I do think HF would have some value as far as being able to contact previous tagholders. And for your situation, that seems to be what would be the most valuable.
How do I get into said network? :D

I keep renewing with Eastmans just for the knife. I can start losing one each year and still be in good shape...

Hey, I think you're onto somethin! I can start my own new company..............the "WTF is Going on Network"! It can be marketed to stand out from all these other draw odds publications. Get in the loop with our people, AND get a free knife, for just $150/year. :hump:
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Maybe I just don't know what I'm missing.. But I've never paid for any subscription service, and haven't had a problem drawing tags and having good/fun hunts. I do use TopRut sometimes, used it some this year also based on last year's draw odds (free), and while it's fast and convenient I've been able to find everything I needed on the respective F&G website to check TopRut's accuracy and compare against 2018 stats.

I'm not saying that I would never be willing to pay for a service, but I'd have to be offered more than just the convenience of having all the info in one place.. I actually enjoy digging that stuff up myself.
If you know where you want to hunt things don't change that much and you can get most info off states websites. If you are new to Western Hunting and trying to figure things out, I think these services have the most value for that situation. Also when one of these services recomends a unit you can be assured your draw odds went south pretty fast.
How do I get into said network? :D

I keep renewing with Eastmans just for the knife. I can start losing one each year and still be in good shape...

I think the only value in Eastmans is seeing how they rank their units so that I can get a better idea of how that's going to affect draw odds. I put very little weight into their actual rankings.

I don't know much about Epic but I do think HF would have some value as far as being able to contact previous tagholders. And for your situation, that seems to be what would be the most valuable.

1. Hang out here and get to know guys
2. Hit events like BHA rende and local events - lots of guys at those events hunt other states
3. Offer help via PMs to guys hunting hard to draw areas you've been to and can't draw often

4. Beer and liquor
If you know where you want to hunt things don't change that much and you can get most info off states websites. If you are new to Western Hunting and trying to figure things out, I think these services have the most value for that situation. Also when one of these services recommends a unit you can be assured your draw odds went south pretty fast.

Yes true. I think because I apply in so many states I just like to have all the info & news in one place. Also don't want to miss some changes after waiting so long for some of these. I actually have gone a few years in the last 20 without a subscription. My strategy was pretty simple when only HF was around. I just avoided their top 6 or 7 picks like the plague. Worked good. But now there's many pubs giving picks.
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Yes true. I think because I apply in so many states I just like to have all the info & news in one place. Also don't want to miss some changes after waiting so long for some of these. I actually have gone a few years in the last 20 without a subscription. My strategy was pretty simple when only HF was around. I just avoided their top 6 or 7 picks like the plague. Worked good. But now there's many pubs giving picks.

I'm running out of places to avoid with all these publications and services nowadays.
I'm running out of places to avoid with all these publications and services nowadays.

Haha. Ain't that the truth. For the most part, I start my research in the yellow units of Eastmans. Sucks if they get upgraded. It's best if they don't even rate the unit like where I shot my bull in CO this year.
I recently purchased gohunt and find it very useful. But i guess my needs are different to most as I have so much to learn, and gohunt definitely provides a truck load of info.
I've used HuntinFool and GoHunt. The big plus for HF is getting lists of past tag holders...I've received invaluable information from those previous hunters. If I draw a truly coveted tag - it might be worth subscribing to them again just for that information. I am somewhat new to GoHunt, but so far I like it...the filtering and mass amounts of data really let you compare units in a very efficient manner. The only downside so far - it seems as though they are pretty slow to update harvest and odds information...seems like I was just going to state websites and pulling data myself to get 2018 odds.

One last piece of advice...don't discount many of the state hunt planner tools. A lot of them are putting together pretty comprehensive tools that can be very helpful in picking a unit and they are free.
How do I get into said network? :D

I keep renewing with Eastmans just for the knife. I can start losing one each year and still be in good shape...

I think the only value in Eastmans is seeing how they rank their units so that I can get a better idea of how that's going to affect draw odds. I put very little weight into their actual rankings.

I don't know much about Epic but I do think HF would have some value as far as being able to contact previous tagholders. And for your situation, that seems to be what would be the most valuable.

There is no secret network that requires a handshake, special ring, or circle of knowledge to enter. Having friends and associates who are dedicated hunters is the same thing. You can supplement that knowledge base with some tag application services who will consult with you about units in different states, also services that provide databases of names of people who have previously drawn tags in certain units are of great assistance. I have made friends and acquaintances just from trading phone calls emails with people off some of those lists. There is no mystery to it and there are no secret skull society people lurking around at special meetings waiting to pass you a map on the sly. You get in what you put out, if you enjoy hunting, make efforts to seek out information and you will find it.